13 - Some Secrets Come Back To Haunt You

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My life is measured in two states; Before and After.

Before Eden's Gate, I had prospects, and friends, and high hopes for the future. After moving into Solus Estate, I've got something of a ghost problem, a grand total of half a friend (Sam's rather insubstantial), and I've been dropped in the middle of a three-decades-old murder mystery.

Since then, and since many subsequent breakdowns, Sam and I solved the case. Our main suspect has become our informant and olive branch. Ryan told the police about his involvement, confronted his friends — the same ones who either shoved Sam or agreed to hide the truth — and presented them with a court date to come clean.

That date is today.

"Theo, darling, I shouldn't be back too late," mum insists as she shrugs her work bag over her shoulder. "And I've got the weekend off— we could do some gardening."

Instinctively, I look over my book towards the window.

For the first time, Eden's Gate has been blessed with some sun. It's still freezing out, and the house wails and groans beneath the glare of light, threatening to turn to dust in protest, but I think it's progress.

"Yeah, sounds good."

Mum lingers in the doorway for so long that I glance at her with a raised brow and ask, "Are you okay?"

She nods and approaches with all the swiftness of a woman on a mission. By the time I stand up to meet her, she's throwing her arms around me. "I'm sorry about all the long hours. We'll have fun here, I promise. Thank you for being such a good sport."

"I know we will," I return, melting into her embrace. Hugs from mum are on the same comfort level as the sun blazing insistently outside. A physical force shoving away the darkness. "Have fun at work."

"I always do. Have fun with your book."

I laugh, glad beyond words for the day off. With the trial, Cliff decided it would be best to close the library and support his son.

Mum bustles off to work. I wave her off, shut the gate, and return inside to collapse on the sofa with a heavy sigh.

Sam, sitting cross-legged before the window with his eyes closed and the sun casting his vague features in an even more vague glow, says, "Any news?"

"No news," I tell him, checking my phone. No notifications. I've set reminders and subscribed to articles and even added Ryan's number into my contacts, just so that I'll be one of the first to know what happens today— short of actually breaking into the courtroom, that is.

I did consider it, but Sam wants to know the second I know, so we're waiting for news in the depths of Solus Estate.

He groans, falling onto his back and crossing his misty arms as he glares subdued fury at the poor, undeserving ceiling. "This is taking forever."

"Be patient," I scold. "You've waited this long— I'm sure you can wait a little while longer."

Sam tilts his head back to level his glare on me, instead. But this time, it flickers with wry humour. "Low blow, Theo."

I'm about to retort when my phone buzzes with an incoming call from Ryan. Sam shoots up and rushes to my side; enveloping me in ice as he crashes onto the sofa.

"Alright, kid, listen up," Ryan's gruff voice greets. I put the phone on loudspeaker for Sam's sake, and we're both quiet as we await his verdict. "It was essentially me versus the girls, on this one— Nathan didn't see anything. I told them what happened. I told them Angela's the one who suggested running and fabricating the story to protect our own skins. The defence attorney tried going down the drugs route — Angela's play, I reckon — but Emily just broke down in the stand when it was her turn for questioning. She said she didn't know what came over her and she only wanted to startle him but it went wrong. I'll tell you the rest when I see you."

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