| CHAPTER 31 |

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"Um... A-Actually Jackson .... " You suddenly grew nervous because ... a lot has happened in these 2 weeks ...

"Y/n ... tell me ..." Jackson face turned in poker face 

he was scared to find out the worst .... he was already guilty leaving you like this knowing Kim Namjoon was back in your life ...

In all this menace of Ziona and him .... he completely forgot about Kim Namjoon ... he forgot that Y/n has to face Namjoon alone in that courtroom 

he couldn't get more guilty 

it's not like You are weak ... but having a support like a best friend who knew everything about you is always helpful

observing your hesitation and peak nervousness .... he assumed something had happened between you two ...

"Y/N ... you know I will never judge you right?" he delivered calmly 

your body relaxed and you nodded 

you told him everything .... from the very start ... How Namjoon was flirting with you from the very first day .... how he is everywhere you go .... how he has changed from the Namjoon you knew 6 years back ...

Jackson sat there in utter shock ... he felt like he away since years... but it was only some weeks

"w-what? H-how?" this was the only reaction Jackson could give you ...

you were also feeling strange about all the things happened between you and him...

'Why were you reacting to Namjoon? '

why were you getting all blushing mess ...when Namjoon said those remarks ...?

you Hate him, don't you?

then why were you doing instead of hating him .... sitting on his lap sleeping? getting flustered by his flirt ...?

you couldn't help but to get angry on yourself

'He rejected you, insulted you .... and yet still decided to be that pathetic girl again!' 

A sudden realization hit you hard ... from the very first day you met Namjoon he was all flirty and caring towards you .... which was very much opposite of the Namjoon you knew 6 years ago ...

'Why are you again in my life Kim Namjoon?'

"Y/N!" you looked up and saw Jackson looking at you worriedly 

"That fork will break in two ..." he pointed at the fork in your hands that was being clutched by your sudden anger 

Jackson calmly listened to your rant of all two weeks he was away 

his suspicion was also the same ...

What was Namjoon trying to do?

'I'll not let him break you again Nini ...' he vowed and took a deep breath

We Met Again ~ KNJ FFWhere stories live. Discover now