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If I'd thought that studying for my history paper was brutal, final exams were worse. But this time, my study sessions were a lot less lonely. Theo didn't protest when I spent all my spare time poring over class notes and sample tests under the library skylight. Instead, he studied beside me, absently holding my hand while he read, or eagerly double-checking a math problem for me. He even helped me proofread my Hamlet essay when Gyeong-Ja was too busy cramming for her biology final. Audra had stopped calling him a wanker, especially now that he split his time between his table and ours. I'd braved lunch with his friends a few times, and, unsurprisingly, Connor had joked that I was like a stray cat who kept coming back. But Theo had called him out, and he'd only backed down once Connor had properly apologized—twice. His friends left me alone after that, but I still didn't enjoy myself with them the way I enjoyed my meals with Gyeong-Ja and Audra.

The night before our last final—our English exam—Theo took me out for dinner as a mini-goodbye before the two weeks of Christmas break we'd be spending apart. Rather than some romantic, expensive place that would've required heels and borrowing another of Gyeong-Ja's dresses, though, he took me out for burgers and milkshakes.

"Is this where you took all those girlfriends who'd ordered side salads?" I asked, between bites of my cheeseburger and curly fries.

He laughed. "Hardly. I had to fool them all into thinking I was into escargots and foie gras." He nudged my foot with his beneath the table. "But not you. With you, I can just be me."

The little glow that those words kindled in my chest was even more delicious than the food.

The next day, my relief when I finally handed in my English exam was bittersweet. I was last to leave the classroom, just like every other time. Theo was waiting for me outside, tie loosened, blazer slung over his shoulder, and shirtsleeves rolled up. He wrapped me in his arms, and I savored the smell of him.

"I'm going to miss you," he said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I shook my head. "Who knew you were such a softie, Ellerby." My phone buzzed in my blazer pocket and I fished it out, then frowned at my reminder. "Ugh, looks like we better get a move on. I don't want to miss my train."

"Why don't—" he began, only to be cut off when the door to the central stairs flew open.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" William shouted, storming towards us. Like the rest of the seniors whose exams had ended yesterday, he wasn't in uniform, and his face was nearly the same shade of red as his sweater.

Theo stiffened and wrapped a protective arm around my shoulders. "What—"

"Which one of you two assholes reported me?" William demanded, throwing a piece of paper with the official Kingsbridge letterhead down onto the window ledge beside us. I glanced at it, and a thrill of satisfaction rippled across my skin. A disciplinary letter.

I folded my arms against the nervous flutter in my chest. "You deserved it."

William's furious eyes landed on me. His jaw muscle flexed. But he just shook his head in disgust and turned to his brother. "Make her take it back. They're putting it on my record, and—"

"Nope," Theo said, holding me a little tighter. "I agree with Ellie. You deserved it."

William's eyes narrowed. "Do you really want to test me right now? I was going to be nice about this whole mess and not tell Mom about you and"—he waved his hand dismissively at me—"this."

I bristled. My fingers itched with the urge to slap him.

William went on, jabbing a finger towards me. "But if she doesn't take back the lies she's—"

"Lies?" Theo released me to take a step towards his brother. "Did you forget that I have the proof that they're not lies?"

William's lip curled. "If you won't listen to me, then Mom and Dad are going to make your life hell until you come to your—"

"Good thing I'm not coming home," Theo said, then clapped a patronizing hand on William's shoulder. "Good luck. I hear the Ivies insta-reject anyone with even a whiff of sexual misconduct on their record."

He left William quivering beside his disciplinary letter, and I offered a frosty smile of my own before following Theo away.

"You didn't say you weren't going home," I ventured when he held the common room door for me.

He grimaced. "Would now be a bad time to hope that my girlfriend will take me home with her instead, for real this time?"

I tried to fight my grin and failed. "Not at all. Perfect timing, actually."

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Then let's get out of here."

Audra was leaning on our doorframe when I jogged up to grab my suitcase. She was already dressed in a smart pea coat with a wheelie bag at her feet.

"And?" she asked.

"Pretty sure I passed." I punched her arm. "Don't worry, keeper. I'll be around next season to save your sorry butt."

"Wanker," she muttered, then added, louder, "Oy, love, let's carry on a little faster, eh? JJ's already rung me twice about missing the international flight cut-off."

"I know, I know!" Gyeong-Ja blew a piece of hair from her face as she hefted her suitcase towards the hallway. She caught me in a hug. "Have a great vacation, Ellie."

"You too," I said, hugging her back. "Make sure Audra minds her manners if you meet any dukes or duchesses."

"Rude," Audra said, taking Gyeong-Ja's suitcase from her. "You know, El, the invite's still open for New Year. It's a quick hop to London, and my parents' party is always tops."

"I'll have to pass," I said, "I've got company coming home with me."

Gyeong-Ja giggled and Audra rolled her eyes before JJ called her from the parking lot for the third time. The two of them throttled me with a group hug, then rushed off for their red-eye to London.

Set another spot for dinner, I texted Jake as I packed my toothbrush.

He replied almost instantly.



Mom is going to flip.

In the best way.

I grinned. When I'd finally thrown together the last few things I needed—and had to turn back halfway down the stairs because of course I'd forgotten my phone charger—I found Theo waiting for me just outside the dorms.

"Ready?" He pushed off from his car.

"More than ever," I replied, helping him heft my suitcase into the trunk.

As we buckled ourselves in, I grinned at all the identical, black sedans idling by the entrance hall. While I wasn't riding away in a bright red Uber this time, I definitely wasn't in a private limo either. And that was okay. In fact, it was more than okay.

I threaded my fingers with Theo's on the gear shift. I'd found the place I belonged, with one foot in his world and one foot in mine, and I wouldn't change it for anything.


**A/N: it is so bittersweet to post this after almost a year of weekly updates! I loved writing this so much, and I hope you enjoyed reading it too. I have a few bonus chapters in the coming weeks, and then we'll see where I go from there. So far, the big ones I've seen asked for are:
- Theo and Ellie's first meeting
- The roses
- The bistro
- Thanksgiving
- More groveling at the end (so maybe another chapter before the epilogue?)

Did I miss some? Were there others you wanted to see more?

And, finally, if you enjoyed it, please take a moment to like and comment!! I appreciate you all so much for reading, I hope my stories give a little bit of escapism and good feels 🥰**

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