Chapter 1: Maturity and Immaturity

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At the Singhania's office:

"Cancel any meetings until next Monday, tell the staff they have the option of working from home if they want because we won't be attending the office until then, but make sure that the cleaners come in every day, Okay?"

"Yes sir, and congratulations on your nephew's engagement."

Raj Singhania was incredibly happy about his nephew, Rohan's engagement. So happy that he sent his younger brother, Neel, home early saying that he needs to prepare for the occasion. He's closing his office for an entire week and cancelling crucial meetings.

"One day, people will congratulate me for my own son's engagement and marriage," Raj says to himself as he leans back on his chair in his office, hands behind his head. Closing his eyes for a minute he pictures his son getting engaged and married. But whenever he does, he can't help but imagine the girl promised to his brother's son. "She's such a beautiful soul, would have been perfect for my stubborn son. Would have softened his rough edges," he thinks, but quickly removes the thought, "not possible, so why waste time thinking about it? I'm sure there is someone else." He does this every time and then tries to console himself.

Just as he was about to open his laptop to complete last-minute work, his stubborn son storms through the door.

"Dad, you've got to be joking!"

Raj looks up at his son. Definitely rough around the edges. Black suit, white shirt, black tie, golden cufflinks sleek back hair and a neatly trimmed beard. His green determined eyes stare into Raj's brown ones.

"I'm not going to be sitting at home for a whole week dad, it's not going to happen."

"Why not?" Came Raj's reply. His amused tone contrasts his son's harsh one.



"The meeting with the Malhotras was really important to me and you've cancelled it. You know it was important! We would have made millions of dollars and then used that money to upgrade our software, improve our building infrastructure, invest in some stocks, do some more advertising, not to mention improve staff rooms. I-"

"Beta," Raj interrupts his son. "Take a seat."


Reluctantly, Shourya takes a seat on the leather chair opposite his father.

"You left without eating breakfast. Did you eat lunch?" Knowing where this conversation is going, Shourya looks down and shakes his head. "No, dad."

"Did you at least grab a snack?"

"Not even a piece of fruit?"
"Did you take a break today?"

"Did you let your assistant take a break?"

"Were you going to come home with me in a little bit?"

The amusement in Raj's tone has left long ago. He was not happy.

"You need to take care of yourself. Or if you can't, then your mother and I will find someone to take care of you."

"Dad I'm not-"

"Ready, I know. And . . . . that's okay. But don't completely disregard the idea. You're 26, turning 27 this year."

Shourya opens his mouth to say something, but Raj holds up his hand.

"I know, I know. Kids at this age don't think that's too old. But my child, look at Rohan. He's 24, 2 years younger than you and he's getting engaged!"

Shourya's eyes harden at the mention of Rohan.

"That's because he's immature, getting married without being ready for the responsibilities and commitments that come with it. And chachu promised him a high post in their business if he gets married. Besides, Rohan was promised to chachu friend's daughter 5 years ago. And I don't even know what I want in a wife, or if I'll be a good husband."

Seeing his son getting worked up, Raj decided to drop the topic. For now.

"Okay beta, Forget it. But the office is going to be closed for a week. My office and your chachu's office if you were thinking of going there to work." Raj's face cringes at the mention of work.


"Let's go eat, Your favourite place. Your favourite biriyani."

Raj walks out of his office, holding his laptop bag and any files he might need. Followed by a sulking Shourya, holding back his grumbles.

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