Horcruxes & Hogwarts-Snape is his what?

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Draco sipped on his firewhiskey as he stared into the fire. He felt like such a failure. Atticus had made hissing sounds as a baby but the Mediwitch had reassured him that it was because his vocal cords hadn't developed correctly. He knew he should have gotten a fifth opinion but Hadrian hadn't wanted to.
"He's a mute, Draco. Accept it and get over it." He had said before leaving the house for two days. There was a knock on his study door and Harry stuck his head in.
"Are you wallowing in here?" He asked with a frown. Draco curled his lips up.
"I suppose I am. You know in the twelve years I had been with Hadrian, he had never once stepped foot in my study." Harry rolled his eyes as he came in.
"The more you talk about the other Harry, the more I think you killed him. He sounds like a spoiled prat." Harry sat on the edge of his desk.
"He had his moments." Draco said softly. He liked to think there had been some happy times between them.
"I wanted to speak with you. I know you were upset about Atticus being a Paselmouth but if you make that expression in front of him again, I'll kick your arse. There is nothing wrong with speaking Snake and he shouldn't have to face that type of prejudice from his Father." Harry's eyes were dark with fury and Draco couldn't look away. Merlin, they were stunning. He finally caught what the other man was saying before scowling at him.
"I don't care that he speaks Parseltongue!" Harry looked confused as he opened his mouth.
"Then why did you look so upset?" Draco gave him a mocking smile.
"My son is eight years old. He has been unable to communicate with us except to use his notepad. My dead husband shows up and announces "oh, he can talk! It's just a different language!" I should have researched it more. I should have done more for my son!" He spat out.
"Merlin's pants, Malfoy! Get it together." Harry cried out.
"How were you supposed to know? The only reason I can speak it is because I was the Dark Lord's-" Harry cut himself off.
"The Dark Lord's what?" Harry looked uncomfortable as he shifted. Draco came to the horrifying conclusion that the Dark Lord had taken Harry. He reached over and grabbed his hand.
"You do not have to tell me. Whatever that monster did to you is none of my business." He said softly.
"I don't know what funny ideas you have running around your head but it's wrong. I was the Dark Lord's horcrux." Draco nodded his head.
"I don't know what a horcrux is." Harry stood up and said "come on. We might as well go tell the others." He swallowed the rest of his drink before trailing after him. His parents had invited themselves over along with everyone else. They found them in the sitting room, arguing with each other.
"Are you crazy? The best way to catch a kneazle is with cat food!" His Father said firmly and Sirius threw his hands up.
"Yes, if you want a mutt! Purebred kneazles wouldn't touch that stuff with a stick!" Harry started laughing as his Father opened his mouth to reply.
"You guys are a riot!" He snorted as he sat beside Sirius. Regulus gave him a grateful look.
"I was going to start hexing someone if they kept talking about cats." He whispered and Harry grinned at him.
"That's fair. We came to talk about Atticus." The room lit up.
"I'm so happy for him!" James shouted out.
"Yes but I am curious as to where he got the Parseltongue ability." His Mother said and Draco glared at her.
"Atticus is my son." He said firmly and Harry gave him an odd look.
"Of course he is?" He asked and everyone looked awkward.
"There have been rumors that I am not Atticus's real father." He explained and Harry froze before standing up.
"Oh, really?" He hissed and stomped to the floo.
"Oi! GRIPHOOK! I know you can hear me. If you don't come through this instant, I'll tell everyone how I successfully broke into Gringotts." The floo flared as the goblin stepped through.
"Hello, Mr. Potter. You called?" He said sarcastically. Harry ignored his tone.
"Bring me the Peverell family tree, please." The goblin gave him a suspicious look.
"You know the price?" Draco had no idea what was going on and judging by everyone else's expressions, they were just as confused.
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't know." The goblin left quickly.
"Er Harry?" James asked as Harry cleared off the coffee table.
"Atticus is a Potter. It's where he got his gift from. I think it's obvious that he's a Malfoy too but we're going to prove it." Griphook came back with an ancient scroll. Harry took a deep breath before spitting on it. It slowly unrolled as he beamed.
"What? We've been trying to open that thing for years!" Griphook snarled out.
"Only a Peverell can open it." He said smugly. He skimmed the tree until he got to the bottom. He held it up and pointed at Atticus's name.
"See? Potter and Malfoy!" He oozed satisfaction before rolling it back up.
"Send it to the Ministry. I want it recorded with them." He said as he handed the scroll. Griphook gave a bow and said "of course because I have all the time in the world." He stomped off and Harry gave his Mother a smug smile.
"Merlin, Harry! Aren't you just a busy little bee." Sirius said brightly.
"Atticus shouldn't have to deal with stuck up twats questioning his birth." He said angrily.
"Aw, Harry." Severus cooed at him and Harry gave him a horrified look.
"Ew." He mumbled under his breath.
"Anyways! I came to talk about Parseltongue. I'm positive other Harry couldn't speak it. Atticus would be the first Potter in centuries to speak it."
"Why are you so sure?" Blaise asked, his eyes narrowed slightly.
"Because the only reason I could speak it was because the Dark Lord had made me into his horcrux. On accident." He mumbled the last part.

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