Chapter 14- Motor Troubles

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She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart.
While I'm drinkin jack all alone at the local bar.
Only doin things outta frustation.
Trying to make it work,
But man! These times are hard.

-For the first time

-Lynn's POV-

As the plane began to wobble and shake, Kade and Tate started hugging each other and mumbling things.

"God, please. I know you're angry about my absence in church for the last seven years..."

"Mom, I love you."

"Tell the dog I love her."

"I'm sorry for being a prick..."

I roll my eyes. Guys are so dramatic.

I debate bitch slapping them, but decide it might traumatized them even more. I calmly pry them apart, and get in their faces, saying, "You are grown men! Grow a pair, and get over yourselves. Our plane is crashing, and you are praying. Unbelievable! I will leave you here if you don't man up now so we can go!"

They stare at me with wide eyes, before standing and brushing themselves off. "We're good," Kade tells me.

I roll my eyes again, they are unbelievable. The captain and crew rush into the cabin. "We are crashing rapidly miss," the captain informs me.

The flight attendants are pacing and looking scared, because even if they have practiced every disaster or malfunction, they are human after all. One flight attendant distributes parachutes, and shows us how to strap them on to our bodies. Each strap fastened brings me closer to finally going skydiving! Possibly not the ideal situation to skydive, but I'll take what I can get.

A large smile graces my face for the first time in a while. Even being cold hearted, I do have a positive side that can be shown. But only every once in a while.

Everyone finishes enclosing their parachutes and we open the emergency exit doors in the middle row of the plane, but far enough behind the wings that we won't be sucked into the propellers. That could be messy.

The wind sucks at the plane, now that the door is open. The g-force coming in and out of the plane are enough to mess with your head, and the wind thrashes people about the cabin.

"Once you're in the air, follow my position so you don't crash into the water. There is a boat nearby that I radioed to come and pick us up. Stay calm. Do not panic. Everything will be okay," the captain screams over the wind.

All the men and women on the cabin staff nod at each other, knowing that this is it. This is the goodbye, just in case something goes wrong.

The suspense is killing everyone, so the captain takes a deep breath, and jumps. The flight attendants follow soon after. Kade, Tate and I are left in the cabin.

"Good thing I trained for this, eh bitches? See you on the other side," I tell them. They look slightly shocked at my nonchalance, but they quickly recover.

Tate pulls me into a long kiss before letting me go. As romantic as it is, I know this might be goodbye. "I can honestly say I love both of you. You were good family to me." And with that said, I shrug internally, in a "what have I got to lose" kinda way and launch myself out of the plane.

The wind sucks me out if the cabin immediately, and the pressure makes my head spin. The lower oxygen levels make my breathing slightly heavier. I quickly change my position so that my arms and legs are out in a star, but bent so they fan behind me. My un deployed parachute faces up, and the wind punishingly beats at my face.

The ocean stretches as far as I can see, and I wonder what a boat is doing all the way out here. Fishing, doing science, collecting data, sonar imaging the ocean floor. Many possible things, but I have a weird feeling in my gut. Anxiety, nerves, and almost a feeling of regret pass through me. I've never been nervous about doing anything before, but this was more of a "when you land, what happens?" kind of thought. The regret was that my mother didn't leave the island in a body bag as promised. I'd killed too many innocents to be called worthy of heaven anymore. All the death is caused had changed me from an innocent to a demon. I wonder if that was my mothers intentions... I'll never know because I'm pretty sure she won't try to find me again. I killed her once, and I lack the morals to feel remorse for what I did.

I quickly come out of my trance and see the others deploying their parachutes. I pull the red string and the multicolored cloth streams out behind me in a colorful display. The parachute tugs at the straps attached to my body, and my journey towards the waves slows.

I drift downwards slowly like a dandelion seed floating on the breeze.

Far in the distance a boat becomes visible. This is a small speedboat. There is no way in hell that that little boat had enough gas to get all the way out here.

Maybe I'm overly suspicious? Never has my gut been wrong before, and this time it is screaming to me that something is off. Something is missing. The boat draws nearer to us as we draw nearer to the sea. There is an awning over the top of the boat, and the driver isn't visible to any of us.

With Kade, Tate and I, we could probably take whoever is driving, if worst came to worst. However, being in a ship stranded in the middle of the ocean with little to no gas could only mean one thing- certain death. Staying with the driver could mean a multitude of things- imprisonment, death, torture, or... Jack. Jack would do something like this. Threatening the pilot, sabotaging the plane- all this he was capable, and willing, to do.

The captain and flight attendants all drop into the sea before Tate, Kade, and I. We took a minute after they left to say goodbye, so they were ahead of us. The boat sped to them and they climbed into the boat from different sides. They un strapped the parachutes from their backs and, unhampered, they thanked the boats captain.

The voice that spoke next made my blood freeze. "Oh, it was no problem. I was in the area anyways," it said.

That's rich. I'm sure you were really just in the neighborhood. No ulterior motives whatsoever.

As Tate, Kade and I land in the chilly water, the boat comes for us too. Quickly unstrapping my parachute, and letting the fabric sink, I pull a knife from my waistband. I came prepared bitches.

Quickly grabbing the side, I vault over it and launch myself at the driver, not stopping to think until I'm seated on his chest with a knife to his throat.

"Long time no see, right Lynn?" He says.

Not quite long enough, I'm sad to say.

"I can't believe I jumped out of a plane for this."

He just chuckles, "How've you been?"

"What happened, got tired of the bitch my mother is?" I ask him, getting to the point.

"Never. You know I love her," he says.

"Well, it's great to see you and all, but where is Jack?" I ask.

"All in good time, all in good time. We have tons of catching up to do, eh daughter?" He says, viciously abusing the word "daughter".

"I will never be your daughter," I spit on his face. "Never again."




Stay classy y'all✨

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