15- does he know?

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SCARLETT PACED IN her dorm as she waited for adrian to come. after talking to pansy and ginny, she'd decided that she shouldn't lead adrian on even if draco didn't feel reciprocate her feelings. it was wrong.

she'd also talked to theo. she obviously hadn't told him that she liked his best friend, but she told her brother that she realized she didn't like adrian in a way that a girlfriend should. he was overjoyed and didn't bother hiding it, but he agreed that she should end it before they got too involved.

"hey," adrian's head popped into the doorway, followed by the rest of his body.

sure, scarlett had known what she was going to do. going to say. even practiced it in front of her mirror. what she didn't account for though, was actually seeing him—seeing the way he smiled at her.

"i like draco!" her eyes widened and she slapped her hands over her mouth.

that was not what she had planned. she was going to ease him into it. she wasn't feeling properly towards him. maybe she would tell him about her feelings for his teammate if he wasn't too hurt. really anything would have been better than that.

"oh" he stared at her with an unreadable expression. "i think i could always tell. i guess i just hoped that you would have made up your mind."

she felt awful. he wasn't even mad at her. he just seemed sad.

"i really didn't mean to tell you like that. i practiced it and everything" she said honestly.

he gave her a small smile, "i know you did, and i know you didn't mean for this to happen. i'm guessing this was a recent revelation of yours?"

"y-yeah. last night actually," she swallowed.

"i appreciate you telling me sooner than later. you've always been kind like that"

"oh you're making me feel awful. i suppose i deserve that though"

"you don't," he moved towards her, wrapping his arms around her

"does he know? that you like him?"

"no. he has a girlfriend, they seem happy. i just couldn't be okay with myself if i had lead you on, even if he doesn't feel the same way," scarlett mumbled into his chest.

adrian pulled away at this, "of course he likes you," his brows furrowed, "everyone knows that"

"he does not. he has a girlfriend"

"you liked him whilst we were dating"

scarlett cringed, "i really am sorry about that"

"i know you are," he offered her a smile. "and eventually draco will realize he likes you too and you'll be the couple everyone wants you to be"

at her silence, he continued. "honestly, i've kind of always thought you would be a cute couple. like an 'i hate everyone but you" and an 'i love everyone' type situation"

"we'll still be friends?" she asked, trying to move the topic away form draco.

"of course"


a mother and her children

scarlett-future milf

just yours, draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now