Bhrata Bheem!!

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Ananya pov

As soon as Guru Drona left after speaking to Bhrata Arjun, my brother wasted no time in making his way to the Royal court to speak to Pitamah.

Jesht was practicing Yoga with Bhrata Nakul and Sahadev. Bhrata Bheem as usual was heartily devouring his favourite sweets. Laddoos.

I was playing dolls with Jiji and her friends, but soon got bored.

That was when I saw Bhrata Duryodhan and Dushasan making their way to Bhrata Bheem with a plate of fruit.

Are they trying to be nice for a change? Do they feel remorse? They did seem to have a change of heart and behaviour when jiji threw the ball in the well.

As usual, curiosity got the better of me and I went ran to where they were and overheard their conversation.

"Bhrata Bheem," he spoke in a kind voice, surprising me, "Where is Jesht Bhrata Yudhishthir, Arjun and your other siblings?"

Bheem also seemed to calm down at Duryodhan's kindness.

"Jesht is doing yoga, Nakul and Sahadev went with him, Arjun went to the Royal court, and Anu... I guess she's having fun with Dushala."

I snickered.

He had no idea I was barely a few feet away from him.

"We came here to apologise Bhrata Bheem. We didn't give you a respectful welcome to the court. We realise we should have been kinder and more respectful to you and your siblings. After all, we are all family isn't that right?"

I fought hard to prevent tears of joy from erupting out of my eyes. Was there a chance my one dream could come true? All of us, Pandavas and Kauravas can become one big family?

"We are all together 105 sons of the Kuru clans. And our sisters Dushala and Ananya are already getting along. It's only fair we must do it too."

"It took you sometime, but you seemed to have understood Duryodhan." Bheem said, laughing heartily.

You could try to be more nicer Bhrata! I silently scolded him.

Duryodhan then spoke about a Praman Koti they were organising for the Pandavas as something to make up for their behaviour in the past. Duryodhan and Dushasan offered Bhrata Bheem fruits. At first he seemed suspicious, but then Bhrata Duryodhan assured him that they were pure and not poisonous. He even took one and ate it himself.

Bheems behaviour towards Duryodhan softened and became more friendly. It was as though they started acting as actual brothers rather than sworn enemies.

"I have a gift of apology for you Bhrata Bheem." Duryodhan said.

"Anu!! Come on! We are starting a new game!" I heard Jiji calling, making me turn to the girls direction.

When I turned back Bhrata Bheem and Duryodhan were coming my way. I quickly stood in front of them, beaming.

"What is this Bhrata Bheem? Have you and Bhrata Duryodhan finally worked out your differences? You seem to be good friends now!" I said happily.

"Anu! You won't believe it! Duryodhan and the Kauravas have organised a feast in the-!" But before he could say any more, Duryodhan grabbed his arm.

"Don't worry Bhrata Bheem! Dushasan will tell our dear sister all about it! Why don't you hurry up so I can give you your surprise gift!"

A surprise gift? That sounds very nice.

"Bhrata Bheem," I said a little sharply, "Bhrata Duryodhan is doing his best to be nice to us and make us all feel welcome. You should also work on being nicer to them! They are our brothers."

Bheem rolled his eyes but nodded. He seemed to have his mind stuck on whatever surprise Bhrata Duryodhan had in store for him.

As they left, I felt a huge weight lift from my chest, making my body feel as light as a feather. Our family was going to be okay.

I ran to jiji who also saw what had happened.

"Why was Bhrata Bheem walking away somewhere with Jesht?"

Smiling hard I told her what I had just heard.

"That's so amazing! That would mean our brothers would get along with each other like us!" She cried in happiness.

"I know right! It's amazing! Have you seen Bhrata Dushasan? Duryodhan said he would share the big news with us."

"Huh? Bhrata Dushasan left only a few seconds ago."


I was confused.

Maybe i should go look for him.

"Anyway, do you want to play a new game with us? It will be more fun!"

"Okay!" I couldn't resist.

I played with Jiji, with a lighter feeling in my heart.

A few hours later...

I didn't know why, but I started feeling a bit uncomfortable. Like something bad was happening. My heart began beating faster all of a sudden. I saw Bhrata Sahadev coming towards me, the same expression on his face.

"You felt it too, right Anu?"

We both went to mata and told her what we felt and i was scared when Bhrata Bheem didn't come back with Duryodhan.

A long time passed.

Mata was in a frenzy. Me and my brothers found her passed out on the floor. The only thing she kept saying was the name of our missing brother.


I felt tears sting my eyes as I ran to our room, bawling my eyes out. Guilt seeped through me like the rushing waters of Yamuna.

"Anu?" I turned and saw Yudhishthir, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev, looking at me with worry. They helped me sit down as I breathed hard, trying to stop myself from crying.

"Don't worry Anu," Sahadev said softly. Pitamah will definitely find Bhrata Bheem. And you know how strong he is. He'll keep himself safe."

"He's just like the rest of us." Nakula added, rubbing my back. "He'll never forgive himself if you cry because of him."

"I-I-It's n-not th-th-that B-Bhrata!" I choked. "It's m-my fault h-he's missing!"

They all looked extremely shocked.

"Anu! What are you saying! It's obviously not your fault!" Arjun coaxed.

"I saw Bhrata Duryodhan take Bhrata Bheem away. I thought they were g-going to have a fun time together! But i was wrong! I just let Bhrata Bheem leave with him alone! I should have been with him!"

"Anu, even if you decided to do that Bheem would never put you in harms way. He'd refuse." Yudhishthir said drying my tears.

My brothers wrapped me in a warm hug. But the guilt only lessened by a bit.

It was my fault.

If he never comes back, I'll never forgive myself!

Please come back to us!

Bhrata Bheem!!

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