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IT WAS another day for Eastyn Winslow in school, she hated coming here, since classes were boring. Mostly because most her classes were with Matthew sturniolo.

The brunette sat in her history class, yawning ever now and then since she hated this subject. Even worse, her teacher was so boring to the point where half the class would just be asleep during his explanations.

she suddenly felt a quick pinch from behind her, making her quickly roll her eyes. She turned around to be met with her mortal enemy, "fucking drop it" she mumbled, hoping MR. Williams didn't see her turn around. To be honest, she didn't really care at this point.

He chuckled, before placing both his hands on the side of the table to pull his body front, " I only yawn like that when I hear you speak" he said lowly, placing his mouth near her ears so she heard what the boy said.

"Matthew sturniolo!" the teacher exclaimed, making him quickly sit back normally, " did you hear my question?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he was used to the bickering every class.

"um yes and my answer is-" the bell saved him, of course it did. Matt quickly placed his books inside his bag before shoving it over his shoulder, Eastyn doing the same.

She headed outside the room first while Matt followed after her, "nic save me!" she whined, running to her best friend with a frown.

" what did he do this time?" nic sighed as he shut his locker, slightly tilting his head to the side to be met with the two year olds who bicker 24/7.

" yo guys how was history?" Chris asked as he joined the conversation, having his geometry books in his hand.

" boring as always," eastyn sighed, "MR Williams just going yata yata yata" the brunette used her hand to mimic a talking person.

The four made their way to eastyn and Matt's lockers, since theirs were practically facing eachother.

Eastyn placed her bag in the locker, knowing that now was lunch time she didn't need to take her bag with her, " have you seen eli today?"

" I haven't," Chris shrugged, " she might be at the table already with nic. Speaking of, we should definitely hurry up"

" yeah but Matthew's a tortoise so he makes us wait" she shrugged, making her way to Matt's locker, "hey tortoise! Think you can go a bit faster?" she teased.

Matt only rolled his eyes, slamming the locker shut before walking ahead of the two, "hey when will you guys stop arguing?" Chris whined, catching up to Matt as Eastyn did the same.

Eastyn only shrugged, "I'm taking it to the grave" matt added, now opening the double doors of the cafeteria.

The smell of fresh pasta made its way to their nostrils, today was pasta day of course.

The three made their way to the short line, since they were pretty late to coming to the room.

They each took a blue tray, sliding it across the counter before telling the chef what they wanted from the displayed food in front of them.

Chris finished first, Matt second while Eastyn last, "tortoise you say?" Matt teased, but just received an eye roll from the brunette .

"I don't get why McDonald's don't stir the fucking McFlurry! I mean you have to be fucking crazy to not stir it!" Nicolas had to bring this subject every time the group talked, even if it meant he was on his death bed.

Eli nodded in agreement as she stabbed her fork to the pasta, before placing the fork between her lips to take in the food.

"eastyn!" a blonde boy with a jersey top approached the group, making her roll her eyes at the familiar voice.

" as I said, Jake. I don't want to talk" she mumbled, trying not to make eye contact with the boy.

" just hear me out, baby"

She slammed her fork on the table, making the whole canteen turn quiet, " fucking drop it asshole! I don't want to talk!" she exclaimed, but quickly sat down at the sudden quietness of the room.

" jeez" he murmured with a teasing tone.

She had enough of her crazy psychotic ex. For once in his goddam life he should leave her the hell alone. She stood up angrily, putting up her left leg because of the bench, then her right one a second after.

Eastyn slapped the boy across the face, making him earn a stinging feeling on his left cheek, "your the one who cheated on me" she placed her index on his chest, making him back away a little, but she kept the same distance between them as she took another step, "and you go around telling everyone that I'm the one who did it?!" she exclaimed, of course the room was still quiet, as the two grabbed everyone's attention, " you should sleep with one eye open tonight" she said lowly, but made sure everyone could hear, "and for the millionth time, don't call me baby!"

she sighed, smiling at him sarcastically before placing herself back in her seat. Jake cleared his throat, looking around as he saw everyone whispering stuff about him.

" this is the proudest moment of my life, my baby's all grown up!" eli smiled as she placed her palm in her chest in awe, wiping a fake tear from under her eye.

"Don't call her baby, or she'll slap you" Matt teased, whispering to Elis ear but making sure everyone could hear him.

"your the one who's going to get slapped" she murmured, having enough of his teasing. It was only half the day, and this boy already made her have a headache.

" okay guys stop it right now or I'm shoving my plate of pasta in both your faces" nic warned, pointing to the both of them, " I'll do it!"

Eastyn rolled her eyes as Matt brought his hands up in the air for defense, "okay mr Nicolas sturniolo"


first chapter, how do you guys like it so far??

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 -𝖬𝖺𝗍𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗎𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗈𝗅𝗈Where stories live. Discover now