012: nothings happening

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— chapter twelve


no boys allowed
[4 participants]
flo 🌸, maddie 💕, carli 💫, ve 🌼


carli 💫
are we going to talk about it or no?

ve 🌼
talk about?

flo 🌸
no you can put that innocent act away

ve 🌼
what innocent act 🤷‍♀️

maddie 💕
maddie 💕
what was his insta post all abt??

carli 💫
i love you maddie

maddie 💕
love you too

ve 🌼
what about me ☹️

flo 🌸
YOU are telling us everything?

carli 💫
yea what happened to charles???
carli 💫
since when is max in the picture

ve 🌼
since never
ve 🌼
and there is no charles. i told you i'm over him.

maddie 💕
still not convinced but continue.. max?

ve 🌼
nothings happening
ve 🌼
we just kinda kissed..

flo 🌸
and she still says nothings happening 😑

ve 🌼

carli 💫

ve 🌼
yea we were drunk and having fun and it just sorta happened
ve 🌼
i don't even think he remembers it

maddie 💕
wait when exactly did this happen?

ve 🌼
last night
ve 🌼
we were having our own little mini party on the boat
ve 🌼
there was lots of drinking and yk one thing led to another
ve 🌼
it was a fun night

flo 🌸
and he hasn't mentioned anything?

ve 🌼
nope that's why i think he can't remember..

flo 🌸
and the pictures? you two seem awfully close

ve 🌼
we have been.. idk he's been rlly nice to me this whole trip
ve 🌼
not like he normally isn't ig it's just different this time

carli 💫
carli 💫
did you like the kiss?

ve 🌼
carli what type of a question is that?

maddie 💕
a perfectly valid one
maddie 💕
did you like the kiss?

ve 🌼
... i guess
ve 🌼
he was rlly gentle and nice abt it when it happened

flo 🌸
would you want it to happen again?

ve 🌼
idk... maybe
ve 🌼
can we not talk about this
ve 🌼
i gotta go. it's our last day and NOW the boys want to go sightseeing 🙄🙄

maddie 💕
yea go have fun. see you in a few days :)

carli 💫
i'll see in miami babe 💗

flo 🌸
me too i miss my sister ☹️

ve 🌼
see y'all in a few days :)

oop- well that's happened 😀

𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐀, charles leclerc Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora