Chapter 9: A New Couple?

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Abhi was never a fan of nature. He always thought that this greenery, sun, moon, stars and everything was overrated. Poets have their way with words. They can make anything sound divine, even the stone that he was kicking along with him while taking a walk on the ghat.

But no matter how many times he looks at the rising sun, he finds something new, something different about it each time. He is a fitness freak. As a result, he has been going on morning walks from the age of twelve if he remembers correctly. He only wakes up late when he is very tired or unwell. Over the years he has grown a habit of watching sunrises and unknown to him he has grown fond of them. The beautiful start of the day provides him with the energy to tackle all the difficulties that the day ahead holds.

After a long and refreshing walk on the ghat, Abhi came back and got ready for college. Varanasi was not that bad like that idiot Pritam has told him. The ghats, temples, roads, alleys, everything has a vibe of its own. It's worth living and exploring this city.

After four hours of torturing lectures, Abhi entered the canteen where Anuj was already waiting for him. Abhi's father called today. Finally, he got some time from his super busy schedule and would visit him next week.

"Hii Abhi!" Tanu's voice reached him before he could reach for his fries and coke.

"Hii Tanu!" He approached her. Aaradhya was also sitting beside her trying her best to ignore him and focus on her tea. Rude he thought. But whatever. His focus shifted to Tanu.

"I just wanted to return this." She said giving him the 500 rupee note that he gave her yesterday on winning that bet.

"Why? You won right?" He asked confusedly.

"Yeah, I know that. But I felt guilty celebrating after Teena fainted. That was not right."

"What rubbish! It's not like you gave her chloroform to become unconscious. Why would you feel guilty about that? It was just for fun. "

"I agree but Aaradhya made me understand that our profession does not allow these things as fun." She said handing him the money back.

"Trying to become great, are we?" he asked cocking his eyebrows towards Aaradhya.

"Simple humanity." She replied not looking at him.

"Suits you," he said rolling his eyes, taking the money, waving to Tanu and moving towards Anuj.

That girl would be the winner of a competition named 'To what extent can a person become boring and senseless.'

"What is the matter with you" Aaradhya hissed at Tanu after Abhi left.

"What?" asked Tanu innocently.

"Why did you take my name for returning his money and why do you have to do it in my presence? "

"I did not do that intentionally. I just saw him walking in here. And I took your name because you are the reason for this. Is anything wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong with that. It's just...Sorry, it's nothing. Now finish this fast we have our histology lab in 10 minutes."

"Yeah, two more painful hours that too in Teena's presence. Thank god, Abhi is on my team too. It makes it a little less painful. "

Soon they were standing in their Histology lab divided into the group of five each. Abhi had Tanu, Teena, Nihal and Ankita in his team. They were working as instructed by the professor.

"So how are you feeling today?" Asked Abhi from Teena.

"I am fine. But I feel like vomiting even at the mention of that dead body. I have never seen anything like that in my entire life. It's horrible ."

'As if the rest of them were living with corpses for their entire life.' Tanu wanted to comment but stopped herself.

"It's Ok. You will adjust to all this before you know. I have read somewhere that beautiful girls adjust to horrible environments more efficiently and rapidly than others." Abhi replied winking at Teena

"Oh right! What more have you heard about them?" Teena asked flirting back.

"They have higher risks of heart attacks, brain haemorrhage and spinal injury," Tanu replied instead.

"What?" Teena asked horrified.

Tanu wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. How was this girl able to crack such a tough competitive exam?

"Is she right Abhi? Have you read this too?"

"No, it's not. There must be some mistakes in her research. According to me, they are the reason for other heart attacks. " Abhi said playfully.

"And suicide too." Tanu again added sweetly.

This time she received a glare from both Abhi and Teena.

"Ever learnt the meaning of 'mind your own business' " asked Teena sweetly.

"Ever heard of 'don't sail on two boats' Either focus on this practical or your flirting skills. Because we three too have to report the same results. We can't afford to make mistakes just because you two are busy with something else. "


"Ok take it easy ladies. Tanu is right. Let's focus on the experiment right now. Sorry for the disturbance. " Abhi said calming the situation.
"And we have the whole evening to discuss the research paper on beautiful girls." He said winking at Teena.

After what felt like an eternity they were dismissed from the lab. Tanu saw Teena walking with Abhi, holding his hands.

Looks like the histology lab made the first couple of their class. Poor Abhi. She thought he was clever and smart. But like all other boys, he too was a dumbass. Now she will have to listen to their useless, senseless and endless flirting in every Histology lab. Now she gets why Aaradhya avoided this boy.

He is not that bad but seeing him flirting with Teena wanted to make her vomit. Well, it's not his fault either. Teena is a beautiful girl. With perfectly manicured hands and an hourglass figure, she looks like a model. They would make a perfect couple. Only if she was a little down to earth, she would be everyone's favorite. But whatever.

She just needs to reach her hostel room and sleep. Not before telling Aaradhya how she ruined their little flirting session. She knows Aaradhya will give her a small lecture on minding her own business. But still, she loves to share everything with her. That girl is a patient listener and always gives the right advice.
Thinking all this Tanu slowly moved towards her hostel room.

One week has already passed after they arrived in this new city. It seems like so much happened and nothing happened too in this small time.

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