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Aadhya's POV

After days, I've finally found some time alone to read books. Having Anaya around all the time doesn't exactly give me time and space to dive into my other universe. But today is a lucky day I guess. I've taken a day off from classes so that I can study for the first mid-semester exam and during my breaks I'm reading novels.

Taking a sip of masala tea, I flip through my book but soon am interrupted by a door bell. I glance at our wall clock which reads 2 pm, I get up keeping my book aside to attend the door.

I open the door to find Aditi and Anaya and they immediately hug me while I ask "Hey? What are you guys doing here? Your classes don't get over this early right?"

"Mine is over and she decided to take the rest of the day off" Aditi answers as she enters, removing her shoes and keeping her bag on the sofa. I hum in response.

Anaya goes to the kitchen and comes back with a glass of water and asks me"How is your studying going?"

"Good. Productive. I was on a break" I replied. The last time I was this productive was in the library with the guys last week. That reminds me of the little chat we had with this Jai guy.

"Aditi, remember last week in the library we were all studying?" I ask

Taking a gulp of water she says "Yeah when Rey gave you a new nickname 'Princess'" Anaya laughs so loudly making me roll my eyes at them.

They high-five each other. Everyday they make sure to remind me of that really annoying nickname given by a really annoying human. But they don't understand that he said it in sarcasm.

Like they care

"Yeah yeah whatever" I reply with irritation and then continue "We met this Jai guy right? What's his deal? I mean he seemed to be a creep honestly" Anaya looks confused hearing the new name.

"Jai is Rey's classmate and is a part of St.T's football team and Aadhya met him the other day." she turns towards Anaya, explaining to her and then turning her head towards me she continues

 "Jai and Rey have been rivals since the very first year. Like everything between them has been a competition; exams, football, girls etc. The difference is that Jai wanted to be popular and Rey didn't. Reyhaan was natural. He would excel in exams, effortlessly play football and girls would kiss his feet because of his looks and the money of course. Jai is almost as good as Reyhaan but as a human he is the worst."

"Makes sense. But how do you know all of this when you are as new as we are?" I question Aditi

While brushing her hair, she replies "We are family friends remember? So we met often and they would tell me all the gossip. They kinda prepared me for everything since it was pretty sure that I would be joining St. T's"

A few minutes later, she hesitantly asks me "you've never mentioned much about you and your life back in Mumbai, mind sharing it with me?" My eyes immediately find Anaya's, who looks at me with a knowing look.

When I don't say anything, Aditi panics and immediately adds "it's okay if you don't want to share, I mean-" I cut her off "hey chill out it's just I never discuss my family with anyone. You would know about them sooner or later." I give her an assuring smile while she nods at me.

Taking a deep breath, I say "You know there is mum, dad and my two brothers. My dad would always be traveling due to work and even if not, we never had the best relationship. But I didn't feel the absence of my dad because of my two brothers. Especially my oldest, Arhaan Bhaiya, he constantly keep a check on where I am, what I'm doing or he would put curfews everytime I go out. Ahaan bhai is the same but we get into troubles together. I love them to death." 

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