15| Meet soon, Alexei

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I scream into my pillow before inhaling deeply and gazing upward

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I scream into my pillow before inhaling deeply and gazing upward. I slouch into the mattress and wish I could just vanish. I tightly closed my eyes, hoping to block out what had just happened.

Instead, I continue to lay there as I replay the memory of him walking away. My eyes slowly open, and I let them drift about the room. I picture Dominic looking at me with such vulnerability as he asked me to do one thing for him. He never once asked me to do something on his behalf during the entire time we were dating. Then again, I froze when he asked if we could tell others about us.

When I denied him the one thing he needed, I could see how his eyes had begun to crack in front of me. When I saw the tears gathering in his blue eyes, I can still clearly remember how close I came to crying for him. I was so tempted to say yes. But, I know how furious my family will be with me. They would be pissed. I've been back for a little over a year, but I can't shake the feeling that things will soon deteriorate once more.

I don't want them to be upset at me. I can't stand it when they are angry at me.

"Fuck you, Dominic. Fuck you for putting me in this situation. Fuck you for making me feel horrible." I mumble even as I feel tears clog up my vision. My throat burns as I try to hold them in but I can't stop myself when a few slip. And before I knew it those few tears became a full waterfall.

My hand reaches for my phone wanting to call him. Every time I felt like things were getting too difficult for me during the previous three months, I found myself leaning on Dominic. It took some time for me to feel comfortable talking to him about these things. Specifically my depression. Though Dominic kept his hand held out for me waiting until I was ready to take that step towards him.

I didn't realize that by doing that, I was giving him a piece of myself. It seemed like a piece of myself was missing whenever he was gone or I felt distant from him. I felt distant from myself. I didn't realize how that worked until I was losing him.

He never made it look like my issues were a burden on him. But I was aware that he was keeping his problems from me. After he had talked to me about Christina that night, it was as if that was all I could get from him. When I asked him if something was wrong, he shut himself off.

It brought back memories of the times when he would separate himself from me in an effort to make it appear like my issues were never as serious as his. A selfish part of me enjoyed being thought of first. But, it seemed wrong when I realized what he was doing.

In the end, both of us got hurt. He kept himself hidden from me. And I did the same in return. In our own fucked up way, we tried protecting each other from ourselves. And look where it brought us. Him leaving with tears in his eyes and me crying by myself.

I jump when my phone pings with a message. Immediately I'm looking for a message from Dominic. With hopes of receiving something from him, my heart flips. Even if he were going to yell at me and become angry yet again, I wouldn't give a damn. I just needed him to tell me that we could fix this. That we aren't over.

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