Chapter 2

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What should I do? Or rather what can I do? There aren't many options. Really only one, deal with the issue quickly and quietly. I brace myself for what is to come.

The same figure creeps out of the forest revelling himself. The thin rays of sunlight expose his pale yet beautiful face. His mouth holds a wicked smirk while his eyes have a mischievous glint. Then two others trail out of the forest joining him on either side. On his right a man with very short combed black hair. To his left a girl with red hair and green eyes giving me a deathly glare. I don't react to any of this. Not after last time, nothing now could surprise me. The only reason for this meeting was to finish what we started.

I hold my gaze on my mate, watching and waiting for him to make his move. Unless it will never come? Not likely. He's waiting for something. I pull myself from the abyss of thoughts. Being stuck in there won't end this easily. Too late. The three are surrounding me. I suppose it'll be over one way or another. I raise my fists and position myself in a fighting stance. Before I can make my move, a black wolf leaps onto my mate and throws him out the way. While two other wolves fight off the others. My mate, the red-haired girl and the black-haired boy shift to fight in wolf form. Not that it works. It's only a matter of moments before my mate his gang have scurried off into the woods. The black wolf and his followers raced off after, the first to return had brown hair and friendly matching brown eyes.

"What was that? I could have handled that" I shout, crossing my arms.

"You clearly couldn't" he chuckled. Yet beneath his playfulness I can sense his power. Urgh he's an alfa. This day just gets worse. I let out a heavy sigh as turn away from him.

"We don't even get a thank you?" a second voice mummers rather loudly. Is that...Hunter's voice?

"Hunter" I ask curiously as I spin around. Hunter! The guy with jet-black hair and electric blue eyes stands only a few feet away from me. I cannot believe this. My brother's friend, someone I practically grew up with, the guy who's always helping out my group. Why would he be here? He's a rogue and a tracker, his job is to find people and he's really quite good at his job. Unless...

"Xya? What are you doing here? With those rogues?" he snaps. Unbelievable, same old Hunter.

"Is that even a question worth answering? You're the one who's hanging out with Alfas" I roll my eyes.

"They hired me to track down his mate" he explains, trying to stand his ground. That makes sense, but I won't let him think he's won. When it comes to Hunter there's always a competition.

"Perhaps you should try chasing them away? Looks like you just did that to mine. I mean seriously, I could've handled that"

"But I thought..."

"Nope" I interrupt, not wanting to dig up those old memories. Hunter knows about my mate, he seems to know everything about my family, he even figured out our secret.

"What is going on here? Hunter, care to explain?" the last person shouts after finally reappearing. He has a medium brown sort of spiky hair and glowing amber eyes. I can also feel the power radiating off him, my guess is he's a beta.

"And how come after days of searching we find nothing and now this rogue has my mate's scent on her?" the Alfa asks. Those words make my entire world come to a complete stop. What he said isn't possible, is it? It didn't matter, it couldn't happen. Maybe it is a mistake? But there is no other answer. Kaia. It's almost guaranteed that she's his mate. Our scents recently mixed. This is messed up. Kaia doesn't even know of our bloodline; she's still not ready for that knowledge. There is no way this can happen, it's too risky. This poor guy has been thrown into our messy lives and he doesn't even know it. And if that isn't enough the girl doesn't even want a mate! 

"Well thanks for everything. I'm off" I fake a smile as I back away.

"You're our best lead. You're staying" he orders.

"Didn't your parents teach you not to keep strangers? Especially rogues?" I ask.

"Our pack saves rogues" the other man interjects.

"Do you want a prize for not being a murder?" I reply sarcastically.

"Xya! Manners!" Michael's voice snaps. Great, just great. More problems. As I look around to find him an awkward silence seeps into the clearing until I at last spot him emerging from the shadows "Well, no blood. What happened?" he continues as he narrows his gaze on me. I shoot him a look asking why he is here "I was ordered by Kaia to save whatever was left of you, Rowan didn't object" he answers

"She does have that little faith in me, doesn't she?" I state, considering his answer, everything adds up. She doesn't know we have our blood and can't be defeated easily. Michael chuckles in repose.

"Who is this?" the Alfa demands.

"I don't have to answer that, I know not to spread personal information to strangers... unlike you" I smugly grin.

"Okay" he reassures himself, "I'm Alfa Jason of Nighthowler Pack. This is my Beta Marc" he points to the other man. He offers his hand to shake.

"Michael, he's the doctor. I'm Xya" I shake his hand. I wait for something to happen - nothing does. Instead I watch as Jason has a conversation with Marc over their mind link about what they should do.

"I've got to go, Rowan wants me back. Don't be long" Michael adds grabbing Marc and Jason's attention. I give him a nod of approval before he scampers of into the forest as suddenly as he appears.

"Who's Rowan?" Jason instantly demands.

"Luckily you'll never have to meet him" Hunter pipes in.

Actual he will. He's Kaia's mate I mind link him. One of the benefits of having my blood. You can mind link anybody. He gives me a glance, but I'm not paying attention to know what it means.

"Who is he?" Jason demands again.

"He's my twin" I finally answer.

"Yeah but you act like a married couple" Hunter mumbles under his breath, I glare at him, "What! You guys argue all the time" he adds louder, earning him a harsher glare.

"And you've never had an argument?" I throw back. Some people. What is wrong with them?  my wolf asks, making me simile. Hunter doesn't get a chance to fight back.

"Save this for the road, we've got to make it back before dark" Marc cuts in. 

I don't get to say anything, before I'm dragged off to a world I've ran from my entire life. 

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