6: Faithful

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Sasha Roamer stood outside Bak Hayoon's chambers fixing his collar. He felt hot all over as though he could turn into a puddle on the floor. The servants in the hall kept their heads bowed and he had no reassurance how the meeting would go. The voices on the other side of the door grew louder and the doors slid open. Out stepped Royal Surveillance Commissioner Obi, sure of himself and always wearing a faint trace of a smile.

"Captain Roamer, how interesting to see you here." He looked the man up and down. "You're as nervous as a witch. Surely that can't be on account of her majesty."

"I'm waiting to see her."

"I might have surmised that."

Sasha never liked him. He found his smile unsettling and from a child he thought him one blessed with the face of harvest time. He hadn't done much slimming down. He scoffed at this.

"My meeting was pleasant. Since I performed such good service to his majesty the queen mother has given me his palace in Little Okavango. I've always admired that palace."

"Perhaps one day I too can have whatever I want."

"No one can have whatever they want."

"I think I can."

Tomiwa laughed. "We shall see." The doors slid open again. "Your turn."

Sasha stepped forward, the red feather of his hat bobbing above his head. Bak Hayoon sat at her desk with Peregrine and Court Lady Ma standing behind her. Sasha bowed. The door slid shut with a click. Silence hung in the air. A book collided with his head.

"Why didn't you protect his majesty?"

Sasha hit his knees. "Your Majesty, please forgive me! I merely wanted to clean the graves of my family."

"Your family? Are the dead more important than the living? Cout Lady Ma!"

The court lady stepped forward and with a nod from Bak Hayoon she went straight to Sasha and slapped him. The gesture was so swift, Sasha had to wonder if it came from the woman at all. He looked up at her with indignation, but she did not flinch.

"I ordered you to guard the king's person," Bak Hayoon said. "You have been negligent."

"I have failed. I know I have failed. I have brought disaster on the royal family."

Bak Hayoon turned her ring around her finger. "He seems aware of his mistake, Chief Aide Peerless. How shall he be punished?"

Peregrine met eyes with the captain. "It is an unfortunate turn of events, but all factors must be considered. The captain did not act with malice. His majesty was a very ill man."

"What are you saying?"

"I am saying, the captain may have been aware of the king's poor condition, and he should not have been left at such a time, but we should not assume he could have prevented it."

"You are too merciful."

"I did not say he should escape punishment. He should kneel in the king's gate until dusk."

Bak Hayoon thought then nodded. "Very well. You may lose your dignity, but his majesty lost his life. Furthermore, you will turn in your uniform. Seeing as your family has been reduced to thoughts and photographs there will be no further repercussions. Go and receive your punishment."

"Your Maj-"

Peregrine cut Sasha off and shooed him out the door.

When he had gone, Bak Hayoon collapsed forward clutching her chest. She bit into her lip as tears brimmed in her eyes.

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