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Hardik and Geetika's room

Geetika lied down sighing and Hardik was beside her scrolling through his phone. To her surprise, he had already freshen up and was all ready sitting on the bed.

He looked over at her and saw her tired, he got up and brought a glass of water.
"Thank you" she smiled sitting up on the bed and drinking it in one go. Hardik looked at her with a smile which made her forwn.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She said giving him the glass and he shook his head "You look beautiful" he said and Geetika chuckled.

They have been married for two years and Hardik still acts like they were in collage.
Geetika was broken out of her trace when his phone rang. It was on the night stand. They looked at the called id and it was his friend's. Geetika noticed his wallpaper. It was from their collage days!

She smiled internally remembering that day. He still has that picture she thought


Geetika a nineteen year old girl was all ready for her first day in collage! She was standing in front of the building with her friends staring at it, they all were lost in the thoughys of their future. Slow wind was blowing and the trees were making rushing noises with their leaves...

It all broke when they heard a loud honk. *BEPPPPPPP*

they all looked behind them with annoyed looks on their faces. Geetika especially, she was just about to kiss her imaginary boyfriend she made in collage.

"Yo freshmen, move aside. You cab adore it all day but I need to get to my classroom" said a boy from his sports car followed by two other cats behind him. Geetika huffed, these are the exact type of people her mother warned her about.

The spoiled rich brats. Or the bullies! "This is not even the entrance for the cars! Parking is towards the back door for your knowledge" she said keeping her hand on her hip.

The furious boy on the drivers seat frowned at her words. How dare she say that to ME thought twenty year old Hardik. He hissed and walked out of his car slaming the door.

"I have a registered parking inside the collage. And don't you dare speak back to me" he daid removing his black sunglasses.

"Why? Does your little manly ego gets hurt? Aww" said Geetika and by now they both have gathered a crowd.

Hardik gasped a little at her nerves. A young Laksh who was quite till now beside his brother spoke up. Even tho he was enjoying the show, he needed to stop this.

"Bhaiya leave her let's go. If papa comes to know we caused a scene in collage it will not turn out good" he said holding his left arm but Hardik payed no attention. Instead he was staring or one can say glaring at Geetika who was doing the same.

"Fine let's go" he said and was about to turn around but Geetika wasn't done. "Ya go home back to your mommy. And remember my name GEETIKA RATHORE" she said and Hardik shut his eyes turning back now he didn't care if he even caused a scene.

"Listen you girl! It's your first day and you have messed with the wrong person. I suggest you to just keep your mouth shut and apologize if you want to live a happy life in collage" he said pointing at her but Geetika was least bothered. She just rolled her eyes. "Aye you-" before she could compete her sentence she was cut off.

They all turned to the voice and it was the dean of the collage. Everyone moved aside to give him way and he reached to Geetika and Hardik. "Oh I see Mr.Thakur you are giving an introduction to your new just juniors" he said and they both looked at each other.

Hardik was literally begging her with his eyes to save him. Or else he knows the consequences he would face if his father comes to know about this. Geetika sighed staring onto him.

"Yes sir, actually Mr.Thakur is really sweet and polite! He was just telling me about my way around this huge campus" she said with the sweetest smile and everyone around her was confused but Hardik smiled.

"HEY SHE UNDERSTOOD MY SIGNALS!!" he thought to himself and looked between the dean and her.

"Ah that's good, now I want you all children, ah fresher's to  gather around the entrance gate so we take a picture alright" he said loudly and everyone nodded.

Hardik took a hold of her arm before she could walk away.
"Hey I am sorry I really owe you one for that save" he said awkwardly and Geetika made a face. "Its alright I did myself a favor. I didn't want to be caught up in a scandal on my first day! I have a full year for that" she said and Hardik chuckled.

"Alright everyone look ahead and don't blink'' said the photographer and Geetika was lost. She was not beside her friends! She needed a picture with them but before she could stand next to them, Hardik pulled her next to him and moved her face to the camera. "smile" he whispered and Geetika didn't even had time to think.

"Okay done! I got it now every one can go back to their classes" said the photographer and Geetika was back to her senses. She pushed away Hardik's hand which was on her shoulders.

"What the he-" she was cut off again. "That's my gift to you! As a thank you. Girls around here die to go on a date with me and I just gave you a picture with me!" He said and put his sunglasses back on moving back towards his car and smiled at her whole Geetika was still not re covered from what just happened.

When she heard the tires of the cars screeching she looked at his retreating cars and groaned throwing her bag on the ground. She was frustrated!

How dare he flirt with me. Kal milne do esse fer sabak sikhau gi. She huffed to herself and puckrd up her books going back to her class.

Flashback ends

Hardik came back from the balcony and saw Geetika smiling all by herself. "What are you smiling at?" He said walking to the bed
"I saw your wallpaper and it reminded me of our first meet" she said and Hardik laughed.

"Oh god what a day that was" he said and she nodded.
"You still haven't changed" Hardik said and Geetika frowned her eyebrows

"What do you mean? That I fight with you all the time?" She said and he shook his head taking her in his arms.
"No! Definitely not. I meant that you are still the same bubbly and joyful Geetika I met when I was 21" he said and kissed her lightly.

"Aw that's sweet" she said and kissed him back.

"Now common on let's get going it's ten o'clock already, bhaiya and bhabhi must be waiting by the dinning table" she said and Hardik nodded.
And they both walked downstairs.
How was it? I hops I explained it well!

Thank you for reading tho. In next chapter I will tell you about Saanvi and Laksh's story :)

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