Chapter Sixteen

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A clock-in voice broke the silence of the office in the dark, followed by the voice of the glass door closed behind Drew. The taller girl carefully held a maroon box with her left hand while her right hand was gripping the strap of her handbag on her shoulder while she slowly walked in the direction of Giselle's cubicle.

The dim light from outside of the glass door helped Drew to find the way even though she hadn't switched on the lights for the office yet. When Drew reached Giselle's cubicle, she pulled the first drawer with a hand and slipped the box into it and tried to cover up the box with the scattered paper inside the drawer, but it would still be visible if the cutie opened the drawer.

Drew quietly pushed and shut the drawer, swiftly walked back to her cubicle, and dropped her handbag on her desk. However, she was startled by a jolt of the phone in her pants pocket when she was just sliding in and taking her seat.

The side of her thigh hit the corner of the table and the cubicle was shaken. In the meantime, the poor taller girl's face wrinkled up with her eyes clamped tight, a hand gripped on the side of her table, and tears pricked the corner of her eyes.

Drew hissed softly as she took out her phone from her pants pocket and answered it.

"Hi, I guess someone is early today!"

The voice was too nice to hear and so soothing to ease Drew's pain. "Hey there. Yup! I'm craving Subway. That's why I'm here earlier," Drew just admitted right away since she was starving, but she knew her voice trembled a bit when she spoke as she cleared her throat.

"Drew, are you okay?"

The voice of the brunette on the phone sounded worried and didn't seem aware of what her senior had replied. Drew couldn't help but smile at the brunette who was always worried for her and she assured her cute friend, "Yup! I'm fine. I hit my table just now and my thigh was a bit hurt."

"Oh my, that sounds awful!" the brunette said with a soft hiss like she was the one who hit the table instead.

Drew said with a chuckle, "It was. But I'm okay now."

"Okay, that's good. I'll see you in a bit!"

"Giselle?" Drew was only able to call out for keeping the brunette on the line. Drew was wondering if it might be a nice time to ask the lovely woman to join her for her breakfast.


A brief and nice hum of her voice never failed to make Drew swoon for it, the poor taller girl's hand was shaking while holding her phone and she seemed like she lost her tongue. She mentally scolded herself for being too afraid of a friendly invitation since she would do that occasionally whenever she went out for a coffee. 

Then pull yourself together and fight for it, Min! Don't keep 'your' girl waiting!

Drew was shaken by the encouragement from her nanny like a mantra and she eventually took a deep breath and said, "I think you have heard that I'm gonna grab something from Subway, right? And uh... Do you wanna join me? But it's okay if you don't feel like you wanna go out. Maybe I could get a coffee for you instead if you already ate?"

Drew breathed out softly as she used her free hand to smack her warm and shamefully colored face. Feeling bashful, the taller girl shook her head knowingly that she had stammered a lot like a moron.

"Sure, I'd be happy to go and get a hot coffee with you!" Giselle replied with a hearty giggle.

It was simple at that, wasn't it?

Drew was relieved as she broke throaty laughter. She knew Giselle would never decline her, but the silly girl was just afraid to ask.

"Great! I'll see you in a minute!" Drew happily bid goodbye, a broad smile lingering on her face while practically jogging out of the office to not letting her cute friend wait.

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