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Ch. 27: Not Love

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Several tense beats pass between us. Aria is still waiting for my answer. Grimacing, I steal a line from Mamma, "One must hope for the best but prepare for the worst. That—is why you and I must plan ahead. If we are hit with scandal, an engagement will give us a chance to reshape the media's narrative, no?"

Concern casts shadows across her lovely features. "I don't know, Nicco."

"Listen. Per favore. If the world sees you only as my assistant," I argue, not giving up, "then it will make you far more susceptible to assholes who seek to tear others down to fill the voids in their own shitty lives. But if you were to become my soon-to-be wife, mia famiglia's name will be able to shield you from the shrapnel that might be hurled our way."

Aria reaches for my hand, gripping it firmly. She gazes up, and, for a moment, I lose myself in the soft grayness of her eyes. "But who will protect you?"

Her words send a funny flutter through my chest. Knowing that Aria cares for me in this way sends my heart racing. I use my thumb to caress the center of her palm, drawing mindless circles across her skin because I can never seem to hide my affection for this woman. "I do not need protection. Because I have finally found something worth protecting. It's you, principessa."

Aria's breath catches. Her eyes flicker with emotion. "As much as I appreciate the lengths you're willing to go to for me, I don't think you're thinking clearly."

"I could say the same about you," I mutter. "It is not like you have a better idea, so why not give mine a shot?"

When she replies, it feels as though I am being rejected, "Surely, we can find another way to deal with this mess?"

Frustration surges. I struggle to keep calm. I do not know if it is my ego or my heart that has taken offense. Aria has been so opposed to the idea of marrying me from the moment I presented it. Even though it is only a pretend engagement for the sake of appearances.

How would she react if I were to, someday, propose to her in all seriousness?

Not that I would—but what if I did?

I do not allow my mind to answer such a loaded question. It seems there is not much I can do to change Aria's mind. I must grin and fucking bear it. Beggars cannot be choosers. "You do not need to answer me today. Take some time to think it over."

She hums with some uncertainty, "I guess there's no harm in putting this idea on pause."

With some reluctance, I put forth, "What if..."


"You and I announce that we are dating instead? From the public's perspective, it is probably better for you to make a sex tape with a boyfriend than a boss, no?"

Her resolve seems to waver. "You raise a fair point."

"It is where we were headed, anyway," I remind Aria, capitalizing on her moment of weakness. "You said so yourself. You want to be with me as much as I want to be with you."

Aria's brow knits together even while a smile tugs at her mouth. She looks both happy and troubled by my remark. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

With a faint smile, I nod. Aria blushes prettily.

"Very well," she finally relents. "I suppose, if the video gets leaked, there's no harm in announcing our relationship to fend off the PR nightmare."

She reaches for my hand and gives me a comforting squeeze. Happily, I squeeze back. I aimed for the moon, missed, but still landed among the stars. Aria may not have agreed to marry me, but, at least, we are no longer fuck buddies, and we have become more than friends. Right this moment, she has promised herself to me, and I—to her. Unable to help myself, I flash her a face-wide grin. "Does this mean that I have become your very first boyfriend?"

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