Chapter 10

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Sebastian's letter #2


Dear Brother,

I fully agree with you ideas to progress with the current situation. However, I advise you ask Joe Madding about what can be done about the exploits concerning the Abyisials. You will definitely need their help, despite the public’s biased views of them. I am also happy to hear that you and Charring have been working well together. He has sent me a pleasant letter saying your character ‘most agreeable’.

As for me and Aubrey, things this week have been bumpy. As you must have read, Earl has gone a little too far, but that is indeed what she looks like. It’s amazing how mers soak up anything they read in the newspapers. We are now hounded by almost the whole population of single mermen, not to mention the straying married ones as well. They thankfully no longer hang around my house but the persistent deliveries are driving me mad. She has a very high tolerance to persistent things, which is good, until it’s about me. Since Aubrey has come into my life, she unknowingly has uncovers my subconscious faluts.

For instance, I’m a terrible cook. My homemade cooking never bothered me before, but now, even the ones I’ve taught Aubrey; when she makes it, it tastes million times better than mine ever did. Only rarely now does she make a terrible dishes. And when she does, she can make a replacement in minutes. I swear it must be a woman thing.

I have also noticed my own personal style is dull. Aubrey once redid my hair before I went back to work. I swear all she did was run her slender fingers through it a few times and I had almost the whole female cohort at work eyeing me off more intently than usual, not that I told her that. Even the house seems more homely.

You’ll be surprised to hear that she accepted my Minyorni. She laughs and points out its faults, every time she catches me looking at it or when I tease her about something. She’ll point it out, knowing she has the power over me with it. I feel ashamed that someone as beautiful as her actually has to wear something so dingy, to show a sign of my love. It probably would have looked better if I had I left the pearl as it was instead of even attempting at carving it. But she refuses to give it back to me or let me make a new one. I’m not even sure if she realizes the seriousness behind it. But the fact that she’s mine is all that I need.

But like I said it hasn’t been all smooth sailing. Soon after I had given the Minyorni to her, I may have pushed her a little too far. You would never believe it? But I was curious about her back. That’s right her back. I have never seen is uncovered before. She has this scar that runs across the mid right part of her back and she went all defensive on me. I feel after a few proceeding events we have stepped backwards a bit.

Though I think I might have regain some of her trust. Aubrey now at least hugs me on her own will, and swims to me when something’s wrong. This tiny action on her part, gives me the biggest hope for something more. You had asked me what it was like to kiss her. I kiss her every day, her reaction…is very limited. She has a very hard time opening up to people at the best at times, and seems a little lost as to how to react in a lot of situations. So that is to say, she has never kissed me back. But when I do catch her off guard she is the funniest little thing you ever did see. But that doesn’t really answer your question. She is fun to kiss, almost a complete dream, but I long for the day when it’s not me doing all the work. I want her to want me, if that isn’t to cliché.

I return back to work again tomorrow, but I worry for Aubrey. I don’t think she likes being left alone in the house much and with the ravenous sharks trying to get her… I’m hesitant on leaving her. Perhaps the seven will finally prove useful…

Your dear brother



Oh a double upload - this is more just a recap on what happens...sorry

so here's another one of Sebastian's letter to his brother.

Don't worry if you don't understand the first part...cause i don't.


Don't forget to comment and vote. :D


a dashing picture of Sebastian ----->



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