Chapter 15

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Previously on Rampage-

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Previously on Rampage-

Then, turning to the left grabbing a table slamming it onto the cage until it finally burst open.

3rd POV:

         There was an earsplitting bang. When the doors open. Making Y/n rush out of the cage. "Stay behind me at all times. I don't want anything happening to you."George signed. George roared one last time and turned on his heels and dashed out of the door with Y/n following his lead. George broke through a random wall ending up in the lobby. Connor screamed like a little child like usual. "Not again! Not again!" People were screaming all over the place and running.

       There was a distinct voice Y/n heard from all the shouting. "George! Y/n!" We turned around when they heard they were being called. "George! Stop, Y/n do something!" He continued to shout sounding desperate. They were going to stop until they heard Nelson shout Davis name. We turned around running full speed forward breaking the glass going outside."Shit call 911! Shit. Come on!" Davis yelled.

Y/n POV:

       When we ran away from the first building George somehow got on top of the other building that has a huge sign, roaring with all his might. There were so many people running and screaming. I started to panic I tried turning a corner and ended up slipping. George ran up to me and waited until I got up to continue our mission.

In the next chapter-

"Stand down"

(255 words)

Falling in love|Rampage|(George x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now