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Three months later

"Camden stop it!" I said moving his hand. He was constantly trying to grab things off of the table.

Camden was now standing and walking all by himself. Also getting into more trouble than ever before, all thanks to his newly found independence. Today was his birthday, and he was determine to snatch a few cupcakes, napkins, forks, plates or whatever else he could get his hands on off the table. We were having his birthday party under a gazebo in the park, since it was one of his favorite places to be. Thank God Camden was a spring baby, because it was beautiful Spring day. Charles and Karlie were out playing at the playground with Nikki. I looked over and saw her pushing them on the swings. They were so happy to be playing with their mommy.

I could hear their giggles and squeals of joy way over here. I was really happy to see it. The kids were doing so well with Nikki, especially Karlie. Karlie had me in amazement every time she got around her mom. She was so much nicer, and pleasant now. Her mom and her were now talking, and developing a beautiful mother daughter relationship. Charles was the same happy boy he'd always been.

He was now even happier that his sister was finally feeling the same about their mother as he was. I was truly happy to see it. Nikki was really maintaining this time. She was still working her job at the warehouse as a forklift driver. She had been clean for a little over one hundred and twenty days. She had never ever made it this far in any of her attempts to be sober. I was so proud of her, cause she was really trying and doing so well this time. I don't think she's ever looking back, surely she won't blow it after all this hard work and dedication.

"No Camden! Cut it out, I'm trying to talk to Brittany. Oh my God Brit are you there?" Ka'Diah said. She was talking on her cell phone.

Oh about that. You won't believe how well Ka'Diah is doing. See the thing is, people use to always complain about how terrible it was having teenagers. And I was all like "I have a teenager, it ain't that bad." but that was before. See now, I absolutely understand what they were talking about. It happened fast. First she started talking, everyday, she spoke just a little bit more. Then once she got comfortable talking, she started to socialize. Not only at home, but at school as well. I was getting notes from teachers saying how well she was starting to communicate, and everything. I was happy still am. Then she started to get phone calls on the house phone. I was like wow that's really good. She would have the house phone line tied up for hours, chatting up a storm with her friends. I mean it was like I would literally have to force her off the phone. But I was happy too cause she was showing so much improvement you know. Then after the phone calls, she came to me, and she was like my friends invited me to the mall, or the movies, or skate night or to go to church with them or something like that. Ok so I met the parents, and I met the child, and it all worked. She goes out to the movies, mall or just ya know hanging with friends.

I was like wow this is amazing, because like I said Ka'Diah she was quiet, and didn't leave my sight for a really long time. Now she's all talkative, and kicking it wit her friends and it's great. Now since she started to go out more, and just really being a teenager completely. So once this started, I had to have a way for her to contact me or I contact her immediately, just to be safe. I talked to Nikki about getting her a cell phone, Nikki thought it was a great idea. So that's what I did. I got her the phone, and now there's not a second that goes by that her face isn't less than two inches away from her phone. Like it's constant. She's talking, she's texting, video chatting and just everything. Y'all don't know what's it like having a teenager acting like their phone if their lifeline. See I told you I use to think people was tripping when they said teenagers are hard to raise, and everything. I use to say they was lying but shit I was believing in a lie. Plus above all this, they're boys. Yes Ka'Diah's fifteen about to be sixteen so of course she's gonna go through the boy crazy phase. Most girls do. Every time I looked up, she was talking about how cute she thought some little knuckle headed boy was. She talked about boys with her friends, to her sibling to anybody who would listen. I wasn't ready for this realness. I was just like oh my gosh, no boys ever. Like you can date when you're thirty, until then I don't know what to tell you. Nikki told me it was just a phase, she was just being a girl. And I was like I don't get it, and I don't like it. I was mostly afraid of going through the motions of explaining the birds and the bees, and what's appropriate, what's not appropriate. What you can and can't do and all that madness. Nikki and I have talked with Ka'Diah about boys and everything. For the most part she's pretty level headed, and headed in the right direction. But still boys got ways to manipulate girls, and I'm not sure I can handle that. Nikki said she was fine, and so did Christina, but I still had my doubts. Like every time the girl left the house, I was right there asking questions. Who you going to see? Where you gonna be? Who you gonna be there? What y'all gonna do? Why? Are there boys? Do I need to chaperone? I might as well be a detective all the questions I be asking. Ka'Diah gets annoyed with me, but I don't care. Since I'm playing the part of the parent, and not her friend, then I have every right to ask these questions. For the most part, she always answered my questions, and I think that had a lot to do with our relationship. We had a fairly open relationship and Ka'Diah was very comfortable with me. She told me just about everything, even things I really didn't wanna know sometime. She knew she could come to me about whatever, no matter how big or small. That's all that really mattered just as long as she knows I'm here for her, and I care so much about her well being, and I only want what's best for her if nothing else. I had the same relationship with all the kids.

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