four | mistakes

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Today is pure, fucking torture.

First, I wake up at six in the morning and dispose of everything I drank last night into the toilet bowl. Then, I do it four more times.

By eight am, all food seems horrible, and I can't walk without feeling nauseous.

"You look like shit," Luna says when she joins me in walking across the quad.

"I feel like it too." I rub my temples. "God my head hurts so bad." This is by far the worst hangover I've ever had. "Why did you let me take that Pink Whitney shot?"

"Because I was busy taking one too."

"I am never drinking again. Ever." I state.

"Awe, babe, you don't look that bad." Gabe's annoying voice rings in my ears as he throws an arm over my shoulder and tugs me to his side.

"Gee, thanks," I mutter.

When I turn my head to look up at Gabe, my breath hitches, because Lucas is right next to him, talking to Luna.

My heart drops. And I'm not sure why.

Last night was a mistake. It should've never happened.

But I can't stop thinking about Lucas's hands on my body, and his lips on my skin. I've never felt as good about myself as I did last night.

And lordy, he's huge. It stung like a bitch going in, but it felt so freaking good. The pain subsided after a few thrusts, and it quickly became the best sex I've ever had.

Granted, I've only slept with two men, now. And they're brothers... Oh my god, I'm a slut!

"Riley!" Luna yells and I snap my head in her direction. "What the hell are you staring at?"

"Oh, um..." I look away from Lucas and clear my throat. "Just a group of people across the quad." I lie.

Luna turns her head to look. "Oh, that one? Why would you... Oh, hey look, it's Ryan!"

Luna breaks apart from our little group and starts cutting through the grass.

"He's back?" Gabe asks, pulling his arm off me to follow my best friend, leaving Lucas and me alone. Big mistake.

Suddenly I'm aware of his aftershave, or his cologne, or whatever that amazing sandalwood-infused scent is.

I grip the straps of my backpack and lean back on my heels awkwardly. "So..."

"We should go say hi," Lucas says, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder.

"Yeah... We should." I agree. But neither of us move.

"Or we could head to The Orangery? Ryan never shuts up. And I'm starving." Lucas suggests.

It's a bad idea, terrible even. But I'm nodding before I can stop myself. "Sure. Me too."

Silence fills the air as we begin walking. I pull my phone out and text Gabe to meet us there. "How's your hangover?" Lucas breaks the silence.

"Terrible. You?"

"Not bad," He says. "I didn't drink much more after..."

"Yeah, after..." I sigh. "We should just forget about, right?"


"And we agree that we shouldn't tell Gabe?"

There's no way in hell I'm telling Gabe. I can only imagine what my punishment would be.

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