Chapter 23 ~ Cookies

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---Holly's POV---

My morning run on Wednesday went well, and I was in high spirits throughout the day. I had lunch with Alice and James for the first time since they'd become a couple, and it was so nice to finally see them together. They were cute, and cringe, and awkward - everything I wanted to see from them.

I didn't have work today, but I swung by the café after lunch for a quick snack and coffee break. And then I got a brilliant idea.

My boss Jess let me take some fresh butterscotch cookies, and after thanking her, I drove back to campus.

River would love these!

This morning, he had seemed much more tired than usual, and he revealed that he didn't sleep well. I wanted to give him a boost this afternoon before he went to practice.

I walked with the bag of cookies to the soccer field, passing the athletic building and parking lot. No one paid attention to me until I got to the edge of the field.

The players were warming up since practice would start soon. They were mostly kicking the ball to each other or stretching on the sidelines. A small group of girls sat in the empty stands, watching the boys practicing and whispering excitedly to each other. I spotted River near the edge of the field, talking to someone from his team.

I didn't want to go into the middle of the field, since that was awkward, so I walked along the edge. Before I could get to him, a couple of guys and girls surrounded me.

The redhead Benji grabbed the bag of cookies from my hands.

"What do we have here?" he said, smirking.

The other boy laughed. "Is this who River was talking about? Her? She really is a nobody!"

I felt a sting behind my eyes. Did River really tell them that I was a nobody...?

"Give it back," I said, reaching for the bag.

Benji held it higher in a mocking way. "You think you can win our dear captain's affection? With what, cookies?" he said, taking one out. He threw it to the ground.

"Hey!" I shouted, glaring at him. "Just give them back!"

"Just give them back," mimicked one of the girls.

"Really funny," I said as the four laughed.

I lunged for the bag again, but Benji tossed it to the other boy. He threw it over the fence beside us, and it landed in the dirt, spilling the cookies out.

A thousand thoughts ran through my head all at once. The main question was: who did I punch first?

"What are you doing?"

The five of us turned and saw River standing there, his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, his eyebrows deeply furrowed. He glanced from me to the bag on the ground, and back to Benji.

"This your girl?" asked Benji with another smirk.

Him. I wanted to punch him first.

River walked over to Benji and stood close to him. Benji had to look up since River was a couple of inches taller. "Don't bother this girl again, you hear me?" spoke River in a low voice.

River waited until Benji was the first to back away from the uncomfortable confrontation. River glanced at the others with malice in his eyes and voice as he said, "If I see any of you bothering her, you'll have to deal with me, and I'll be sure to make your lives miserable."

They were awfully quiet for the bullies that they were a minute ago.

"Come on," River muttered. He pushed through the four of them, grabbed my hand, and marched toward the athletic building.

"I'm sorry about them," said River through clenched teeth as we walked into the building. He tightened his hold on my hand. "I didn't think they'd do that."

"It's okay," I said. My eyes stung again.

River led us into a random study room and shut the door. Only then did he let go of my hand.

He rounded on me. "I told you not to come up to me on campus," he said. "What were you thinking?"

"I..." I bit my lip.

He ran a hand through his wet hair and sighed. "They think they know what's best for me, as though they're looking out for me by acting like this. I only said to stay away from me because they'll keep bothering you if you hang out with me."

"I don't care," I said. "I don't care if there's danger in talking to you. I came to this school to get away from people like them, but I don't have to run anymore. I can handle idiots now."

River stared at me, and I didn't break eye contact. I lifted my chin slightly.

He sighed. "Ha, I believe you. Thank you for trying to bring me cookies. I appreciate it, and I'm sad I didn't get to try them."

"I'm sad, too. They were good," I said, sagging my shoulders.

"You know," he began, "I wanted an apartment to get away from them. The team, the girls, all of it. I wanted to be alone, living off campus, distanced from everyone."

"I kinda ruined that, didn't I?"

"Yes. And I think you were just what I needed, actually."

I felt my face grow hot. I looked away. "Glad to help," I murmured.

"I'll tell them to stay out of your way. They'll listen if they know I'm serious; I'm still the captain, after all," River reassured me. "And if they bother you again, just get out of there and tell me. I'll beat them up."

He smiled a bit, and I returned it.

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

"I have practice now, but I'll see you later, okay? And don't worry, I'll make them run extra laps." River turned to leave out the door.

"Wait." I focused on my twisting hands as he looked back at me. "Do... do you think I'm a nobody?"


I looked at him.

"You're my roommate," he said.

And with that, he walked out of the room.

I stood there for a moment, getting my composure back. A lot sure had happened in the last fifteen minutes. Once I collected myself, I walked through the student-athlete building to get out.

I happened to look down a hallway, and as I passed, I noticed the same girl with bangs that had cornered me in the library before. She was standing with a friend, but she caught my eye and glared at me with hatred.

But I felt strangely powerful, and I held my head high and walked straight past. I wasn't going to let anyone bring me down. Admittedly, I was sad about the cookies, but seeing River stand up for me was worth it. We sure had come a long way.


I finally stopped running, breathing heavily and glancing down at my watch to check my pacing. Forty-five minutes of a high-tempo pace this morning.

Running helped me so much; it started my day with positivity and energy that I couldn't find anywhere else. I was blessed to be able to run every morning.

I was about a five-minute walk from our apartment building. I took my time walking back, enjoying the sun lifting above the clouds, the birds singing, and the cars driving by for work.

River would be gone already, I thought, so I would have the place to myself. I'd have cereal and hopefully have time to doodle before leaving for classes. Since today was Thursday, I wanted to use all the free time in the morning that I could to relax and prepare for a long day.

I checked my phone as I walked.

Alice and James were arguing in our group chat about where to eat lunch today. I piped in, and they both instantly agreed with my choice. That was easy.

My eyes moved to another text, this time from Aiden.

I nearly dropped my phone as I read his message:

I'll be at your place at 3pm today :D :D

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