Chapter 26: A big tragedy

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Chapter 26

Emily's POV

I could hear chains being drag. But I couldn't open my eyes. I felt so weak.

"Emily, wake up" someone was calling my name. "Emily, please" they keep saying. I started to open my eyes, to close them again because of how bright it was in the room. Opening them again I could see Jake's face.

"Jake?" I asked.

"Yes is me. I'm here" he said. I started to get up.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around the room.

"I'm not sure. Emily do you remember what happened?" He asked. Then everything came back to me. I stood straight and started to panic.

"Jake how did you find me?"

"I didn't, they brought us all her."

"What do you mean?"

"Emily, we have all been kidnapped." After he said that a door was open and someone was thrown in.

"Mom!" I yelled after seen my mother on the floor.

"Emily! Are you ok!?" She asked holding my chin up and looking for a bruise or something.

"I'm ok don't worry, where are the others?"

"I don't know" she simply said.

"We are going to die" Jake suddenly said.

"Jake! We are not going to die!" I yelled at him.

"And who said you aren't," someone said from the corner of the room.

"Let us go!" mom yelled

"And miss all the fun. Nah" they replied. Then Ryan's dad came out of the dark part of the room.

"Where are my parents!?" Jake yelled.

"Don't worry kid. They are well taken care of."

"Tell me where they are!" Jake yelled standing up and running towards him. Ryan's dad pulled a gun out and pointed it to Jake's head. When Jake saw it he backed away.

"Now that we all know I have a gun, why don't we settle down now." he said. Making Jake sit down.

"Good boy. Now who can tell me where my son is?" That caught my attention.

"Wait, you didn't kidnapped him?" I asked confused.

"No dumbelina, I didn't."

"I don't know where he is. Annie said he went to buy some stuff." I said

"That was the plan but you see, he never came back to the house." He said.

"We don't know where he is." I repeated.

"I guess someone is going to get hurt then. You have 15 minutes to figure out where he is or someone will die." He threatened us, then left.

"What are we going to do?" Jake asked.

"I don't know" I said

"Let's find a way out" mom said.

"No, we don't know where my parents are" said Jake.

"We need to get out of here!"  mom yelled. She ran to the door and obviously it was locked. There weren't windows either. She started to bang on the door like crazy, but nothing happened. After 15 minutes the door open again.

"Where is Ryan?" Ryan's dad asked.

"We don't know" I said

"That's too bad" he pulled his gun out and shot Jake on the stomach.

"No!" I screamed going to Jake's side. His shirt was full of blood. "Jake stay awake, ok?"

"Aren't I suppose to see a bright light?" He asked joking.

"No, you're supposed to see the light when you are dying, which you are not." I told him.

"Well I'll leave you and your dying friend to think where Ryan is or I'll come back and kill her." he said pointing to my mom's direction. Then closing the door.

"Mom hold him" I told my mom. I got up and went to the door to try and listen what was going on outside. Looking around I found a broom, odd right?. I don't think it will help but I had to try. If Jake stayed here any longer he will die. Bringing the broom up I started to call Ryan's dad.

"Hello! I figured out where Ryan is!!" I screamed. I got close to the door going to where he couldn't see me and I could hit him.

Someone open the door and got in, giving me a perfect angle of their head. I brought the broom up and hit him.

"You bitch" he said dropping the gun. I move fast to get it. Holding it I pointed it towards him.

"Don't move" I said

"Do you really think you can shoot me?" He asked. "You don't have it in you."

"Oh really?" I shoot his leg making him drop to the floor screaming. My dad taught me how to use a gun, 2 years before he died. Don't ask why.

"Move again and I will shot you, again..." I said. I signal mom to get out of the room. She tried picking up Ryan and I got his arm over my shoulder. When we were out I was about to close the door.

"Wait, you can leave me here!there isn't enough oxygen." Ryan's dad yelled.

"Oh like you left us?" I told him and close the door.

"Let's get out of her. Mom find a way out, I'll find Jake parents." I told her and started to walk before she could stop me.

There were doors and more doors. Where are we? It looked like a factory or something. I keep walking until I heard screams for help. I got closer and opened the door that the screaming were coming from.

There they were, Jake's parents tied up. When they saw me they signal me to untie them. I started doing that before I could finish someone grab me and threw me on the ground. It was Ryan's dad. How did he get out?

He pointed a gun to my head when I tried picking mines up. He said he was going to shoot. I was going to die. I closed my eyes and hear a gunshot. When I opened my eyes Ryan's dad was on the floor. I looked at the person who shoot him, it was Ryan.

"Thank God, Ryan" I said. He looked at me and picked me up.

"Are you okay? He asked hugging me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Well not really" I said.

"Come on, let's go home" he said.

We untied Jake's parents. And started walking. Almost at the front door I started to asked questions.

"How did you find us?" I asked

"I followed you, I saw when they were taking you" he said.

"Oh" I said. I was going to open the front door when Brian out of nowhere came running towards us. He pulled a gun out and before I could even blink I was on the floor bleeding and fighting to stay awake.

Vote, comment! Who hates auto correctors? I do, does fuckers changing my words. Unbelievable! Sorry if there's errors.

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