Boss's Sister

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Two months passed by, and Zoe and Sofia had been hanging out a lot more lately since Anna moved out of the city.

Zoe and Sofia arrived at their favorite coffee shop on a sunny Saturday afternoon. They picked a cozy corner table by the window and ordered their drinks before settling into their seats.

Zoe took a sip of her latte and turned to Sofia. "So, how's work been treating you? I haven't seen you in a while."

Sofia took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. "It's been hectic, as usual. We're getting ready to launch a new product line, and there's been a lot of last-minute changes and revisions."

Zoe nodded sympathetically. "I can imagine. But I'm sure it'll all pay off in the end. The company always puts out amazing products."

Sofia smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Zoe. It's definitely been a challenge, but I'm excited to see how everything turns out."

Sofia: "So tell me about you and Lala."

Zoe smiled at the mention of her wife.

Zoe: "We're good. Actually, we've been talking about having a baby."

Sofia: "Oh my god, that's amazing."

Zoe: "Yeah..."

Sofia: "What's wrong?"

Zoe: "It's just stressful because we would eventually have to break the news to my parents."

Sofia: "And that's bad because?"

Zoe: "They're racist traditional fucks."

Sofia: "Oh."

Zoe: "When I came out as gay they sent me to a metal hospital. Then, when I introduced them to Lala, let's just say we didn't speak for seven years."


Zoe: "Yeah.

Sofia: "Look, if you and Lala want a baby, then that's what you should do it."

Zoe smiled.

Zoe: "You're amazing, Sofia. Thank you."

Sofia: "Dé nada.''

Zoe: "What about you on the love front?"

Sofia: "Complicated."

Zoe: "Xavier.''

Sofia looked at Zoe, shocked.

Sofia: "You know?"

Zoe: "Of course I know. He's my brother, he tells me everything."

Sofia: "I'm sorry."

Zoe: "Don't apologize. At first I was a bit skeptical but you seemed so nice and I just started to like you."

Sofia: "I don't know what to do. I feel for Jenna. The last thing I want to do is be the woman who tells a man to leave his wife.

Zoe: "Do you love him?

Sofia hesitated. It's not that she didn't love Xavier, but it was the fact that she's never said it out loud to anyone else. She was just about to answer when Jenna walked up to Sofia and Zoe. "Zoe. How are you?"

"Oh Jenna.. hey." Zoe said, trying to sound excited.

"Why are you two together?" Jenna asked.

"Oh, um, I met Sofia at the charity ball, and she was so great." Zoe smiled.

"Yes. Everyone loves Sofia." Jenna said sarcastically.

Sofia glanced at Zoe and then got up. "Um, I'm going to get a refill."

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