A Welcome Guest

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"Cruising down the street candy in my bag. Gonna visit Izuku and make him wave a white flag" I hum to myself as I move from street to street. Taking back alleys to help avoid tracking and eventually finding the familiar home

"Hopefully nice lady is home" So with as much control as possible I knock on the door.

Waiting a bit the door opens as I stare down at Izuku's mom. She slowly looks up at me before I tilt my head in confusion. "Eh"


I was now sitting down on the floor eating my candy as Inko put some cartoons on which I watched. It was strangely nice? I was relaxing and despite looking nervous Inko was being a really good host

"S-So Nomu what brings you here!"

I shrug at the question, I wanted to mess with Izuku for a bit. However he's still at school and I have to wait before he comes home.

"Hey Mom I'm home." Izuku said monotonous as he opened the door

Or maybe not at all, couldn't he wait until I finished this episode of "Your Villain Place". Whatever time to freak him out and have him scre-

"You have a gue-" Inko didn't get to finish "Sorry mom not today, I have to train"

As I stand up he set's down his bag before going upstairs muttering. That was really weird, did I just get ignored? I look over at Inko in confusion as she shrugs before sitting down... by herself

So being the selfish guest I am, I sit with her and eat the meal sat out for Izuku. "I'm happy for him. I really am" Inko says as doubt coats her voice

"But, he's not the same Izuku anymore, all he does is train and study. It's like being a hero is now his life and anything else..... is not needed" She explains as I nod my head, I saw a little bit of that during the Sports Festival training.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to soil the mood" She says quickly noticing my expression. Time to fix some things I hear I'm a really good fixer. Or was it destroyer? Oh well either way I'll get a kick out of it

Standing up I move upstairs as I listen to Izuku's workout just beyond the door. It's like he's become a robot! So I open the door silently as I stare down at the short male doing push-ups.


He continues to ignore me as he mumbles his number of push-ups. So I decide to "help" his workout. With a bit of aggression I stomp down on his back as he flattens to the floor all the air getting knocked out of him.


Izuku gasps as I laugh before crouching down. He slowly coughs and heaves as he trys to catch his breath. Finally when he recovers I am sentenced to the thing I  wanted most his reaction

"N-Nomu!" He stammers out jumping up into a fighting position. I decide to stand up and look at him before looking around the room. I immediately hated it

"Allmight, Allmight, Allmight, Allmight, oh is that Hawks? Nope! ALLMIGHT!" I think Izuku caught on to my anger as he slowly moves a action figure behind himself. "W-What are you doing here! What do y-you want!?"

Geez I wish he would calm down... Mmmm I hate this room perhaps we should get some air? I look at him before gesturing to the door as he follows my lumbering footsteps downstairs. Still in fighting position but quickly lowers it before I pick up my bag of candy

"M-Mom are you alright!" Izuku yells as Inko simply nods as she runs up to me smacking my arm. "Why would you freak him out like that! He could've destroyed the whole house you know!?" This earns a laugh from me at the thought of Izuku destroying his own home

"I-Im confused?"

"Oh sorry sweetie, Ahem Nomu here decided to pay us a visit and so he's a guest in our home."


Pfft HAHAHAHA. The look on his face is one I could cherish for many years. I expected Inko to call the cops but instead of being a intruder. IM THEIR GUEST!. The house shook as I fell over clutching my stomach


"Don't raise your voice at me young man! In this house the Nomu is a guest" she said crossing her arms making her choice final. I wiped a tear from one of my eyes as I stood up, I make my way towards Izuku. His guard has completely dropped since the small interaction with his mother

So I quickly pick him up before tossing him over to where me and Inko were eating earlier. I quickly move over to the stove and put food on a plate before setting two down. "Wha-"

"Come on Izuku they will leave once dinner is over right?" She says looking at me. I didn't really want to but I nod my head with a thumbs up, I didn't want to overstay my welcome so I could come back again and again

They started eating as I kept getting side eyed by the cautious teen. I ignore it simply ruffling his hair everytime he did it. Eventually though they began to speak to one another. After they ate I stretched with a yawn before giving Izuku and the mom a hug.

"See ya!"

And so I opened the door after giving a little salute. Only to see a face I've been wanting to see for a long time. That shit-eating grin, built like me but a bit smaller, piercing blue eyes, and that blonde hair.



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