Chapter five POC Lusius

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I felt it, that warmth again, ah, it was addicting, the strongest reason I stayed loyal, even when it disappeared, I was looking around for the source, but having to be discreet ruined it, couldn't find anything and it soon faded and I sighed in disappointment, that's when they came back, my son Draco and my " love " narssisa, yes, we were married in a power move by our parents, Draco though loved, was duty, the moment narssisa had him our relationship became a show, we tolerated each other, we were friends but not lovers and nether was jealous of the others partners, which were many though carefully selected so nothing unflattering came out about our family
" You okay?" Cissy looked up at me I just nodded deep in my thoughts
" Good luck Draco" he nodded at me kissed his mother and boarded the train, we watched as it left the station, waving until we couldn't see it anymore, then we left for home, each in our own thoughts, maybe I should accept the position that the manipulative old coot dumbledore offered, he said I had until the train reached Hogwarts......
" Cissy, would you mind terribly if I left for a few months?"
She smiled, probably already planning the things she could do with her lover (not that I minded I had my own special someone to catch)
" Of course not dear! Go if you have to"
I left a caste kiss on her cheek for appearance and went to retrieve my broom, If I hurried I would make it before it was too late

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