October First

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A dense fog consumed Saltwater Street, allowing a few light rays to shine. The sun was barely above the trees on a Thursday. A girl walks down the street, her hair thrown into a French braid, carrying her backpack and gym bag. Elizabeth smiled, enjoying the cooling air that was a welcomed break from the 80 and 90-degree summer days.

    Barely able to see a few feet in front of her, Elizabeth turns on her phone flashlight. The pounding of footsteps fell on deaf ears as the young girl, absorbed in her thoughts, failed to turn around. A hand gripped her shoulder. Elizabeth froze, unable to move. She could feel the person breathing close to her cheek.

"Boo." that person whispered in Elizabeth's ear. She spun around to meet her boyfriend, Jayden.

"You're a serial killer," Elizabeth stated, letting out a sigh of relief.

"I mean," Jayden trails off, smiling at Elizabeth, whom is struggling to stand on her toes to kiss him.

"This is how crime documentaries start," Liz stated, giving up.

"Elizabeth, want to come to my place later?" Jayden asked.

"Yah I'll think I'll pass. " Liz smiles and turns  to leave; Jayden grabbed her arm, pulling her close. His hand was on her waist. Leaning in kisses her on her forehead.

"Ready for tonight?" Jayden asked.


"It's one of the biggest games of the year." Jayden smiled.

"When you pull this off tonight."

"Don't you mean if " Jayden said cutting off Elizabeth.

"Scouts will knock on your front door when you pull it off." Elizabeth smiled. "It's all about mindset."

"Liz, Jayden." The high-pitched voice came from a figure; as it came closer, the shape transformed into Anna. Right behind her was the star quarterback, Grayson.

"This is creeping me out," Grason said. Staring at a weather map on his phone.

"Don't split up and get into the running car." Liz smiled.

"Still weird," Grayson hissed.

"I mean, it's  Spooky Month," Liz said.

"Liz, I don't like it."

"Hey, Grason, what causes dense fog like this? Elizabeth asked trying to change the subject.

"It has to be pretty humid." Grason trailed off, "It will disperse in a few hours," he said. Glancing back at his phone.

The group of teenagers where standing under the only streetlamp that was able to brake through the fog. Anna turned to face her best friend and took Liz's hand and smiled, "Speaking of October, Liz, how is the birthday planning going?"

Elizabeth's smile dropped, eyes narrowed as she studded at Anna. "I haven't even started, but I'm thinking a 1911 Masquerade Ball."

"World War One?" Anna asked.

"World War One started on July 28, 1914," Elizabeth stated. "Anna, we have an exam tomorrow on World War One."

Anna's eyes grew wide. "Are you serious?"

"Where the hell have you been?"  Elizabeth stated , pulling her Bullet Journal out of her gym bag her brand new running shoes shined in the light.

Oping the notebook to the weekly spreed, in bright purple letters it read History Exam: 1900- 1920s. Under neath it marked in a light purple ink was Page 186 for study guide and study planner.

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