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Chapter dedicated to AmayaRaines for showing me the awesome photo above!! THANK YOU <3

++ C H A P T E R | F Ø U R T Y - T H R E E ++

Brent felt his throat close up. Looking at the police force and the girl with the drawing pad, he realized that saving Elliott and his own two siblings was indeed possible. If his siblings were alive.

He watched as Keith was handcuffed, and then Wes. He paid close attention to the girl with purple hair, who was staring at her father with clear disdain. It had shocked him when she'd taken complete control of the situation, placing the gun to her own father's head. But what shocked him even more was when Wes had listened to her.

Wes, the boy who had trampled all over Elliott's trust and brought her here to die, listened to his sister. And saved her. What made his head spin even more was that Wes and Elliott were siblings as well. In this strange family dynamic, Brent wasn't all too sure what was going on. How Elliott, Wes, and the girl with purple hair could all be related.

It was shocking.

Kenzie felt the same way. Related? To Elliott? She had felt a connection to the girl when they first met. A connection that Kenzie couldn't explain. She had instantly known Elliott was a girl, and sometimes Kenzie thought it was because of the crazy connection she had to Elliott. Now, finding out the two were siblings, the connection didn't shock her.

She had a sister. And a brother. She wondered if Elliott knew.

"Dad, I really hate you." She spat at Keith. "I know we never got along, but this was too much. I'm glad you never introduced me to my brother. Thanks for that. Thanks for fighting for me, by the way. Mom always told me you were a flake, but now it's so obvious."

Keith just stared at his daughter. He hated how his stomach twisted at the sight of her. How different she was from him. He'd always loved Kenzie, there was no doubt about that, but he had a deadly job. One that would have gotten Kenzie killed long before now. It would have also gotten Wes killed, if he hadn't been in on it.

Wes. Your only son, put in jail. Because of you. Keith hated the thought of his son locked up. Even more than the thought of being locked up himself.

He caught sight of Anna, and shuddered. He didn't deserve to even think about the woman he'd been tricking for weeks, but he was human. And if circumstances were different, he would have loved to actual date her. At first, it had been a job. Having to go see her, and talk to her about her problems. It had been tiring, obnoxious, the worse part of his job. But, she had grown on him. And the last few weeks had made him fall for the woman who cared so much about others.

Maybe if you hadn't screwed everything up! He groaned, placing his head in his hands. No one was even supposed to die!

He hadn't signed up for that. Sure, as an assassin, he'd killed plenty of people. But when Mary had contacted him, she had said there was no killing. Just kidnapping. But the crazy woman had changed her mind.

Like always. She's the monster I created! He couldn't argue with that train of thought. He had created the monster upstairs, who was currently with Elliott. Doing who knows what. She had been fine for a while. Sure, his abuse hadn't helped, and having her live most of her life in a basement had been very damaging to her. But, she had always been very timid, not aggressive.

Until his father got out of jail, and ruined everything. Until she found out her beautiful children were his, and not Theodore's.

She had gone ballistic. And her sister had never helped matters. But in the end, it was his fault Mary was the way she was. But as a teenager in love, Keith didn't know any better. He had grown up treating her as a pet. He was used to teaching her a lesson.

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