Chapter 58

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Daddy , Daddy wake up !!! A little girl bit freen cheeks .

Freen wake up alarming with pain .

A cute little girl , why you bite me ?? It's paining !! Freen lifted the kid to her lap .

You promised, you will take me to wonderland !! Little girl crossed her arms .

Oh shit , i m sorry i forget totally .

Soon a voice came from the door .

How you can keep it in memory , yesterday you are not in consious itself . I told you a lot of times, stop drinking but why you don't listen to me. Take it , here your lemon tea !! Rhea gave the tea to freen .

Thanks !! Ok Amporn go and get ready , daddy will be back within 30 minutes .

Ok ok ... Before going , Amporn kissed freen cheeks and she ran away .

Freen listen to me , doctor strictly told you to leave this drinking habit , why you don't listen to us , Rhea scolded freen

Rhea.. please be calm .. nothing will happen to me, Freen replied

Oh shit , you never going to listen to me , Rhea left the room .

Freen took the phone and she informed fah

Fah, cancel all my appointments, today i have very important meeting.

But freen , today you need to sign a tie up agreement with FUC enterprise Ltd .

Fah i told you many times nothing is more important than my Amporn. So cancel all the appointment or ask heng to take care of it .

Freen took a very fast shower , she weared formal white shirt , black pant and normal black slipper , she weared a black watch in her right hand and she uses specs . She took her black Lamborghini car keys and she left the room.

Amporn run towards Freen and she hugged her . Daddy you look smart .
Thank you so much ... Freen kissed Amporn face .

Rhea handled Amporn bag which has milk bottle , biscuits and set of a dress .

Amporn is 2 1/2 years old girl , so don't take her to more adventure games , Rhea told Freen

Amporn looking freen with upset face .

Don't worry Rhea i ll take care .

Daddy shall we move .

Yess... Freen holded Amporn hand and she lifted her , made her to sit in the car.

Amporn and freen waived their hands to Rhea before leaving !!!

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