Chapter 18

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Despite what Rayni had said, they didn't leave immediately because there was still quite a lot to discuss

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Despite what Rayni had said, they didn't leave immediately because there was still quite a lot to discuss. One of the major issues was their shortage of weapons. Currently, they had two handguns and a sniper rifle, which was less than ideal.

"We could buy some more from that smuggler in Korhon," Rayni suggested.

"Yeah, but we don't have cash, and we can't use our credit cards to get it," Alor replied and ran a hand over his face.

"We could sell some of the things around here," Kaleth said, his eyes drifting over to the huge television on the wall. He had never seen his father watch TV or even movies in general, and he doubted that had changed, so why would Ramien even buy it?

"I like this plan," Rayni said, giving Kaleth a thumbs up.

"You don't have a problem with stealing from your father?" Kara asked, frowning.

Kaleth huffed. "I don't think he cares. If he does, well, then he should have said so."

Kara gave him an odd look but didn't comment.

"Passive-aggressive again, huh?" Rayni teased, smirking. Kaleth wanted to tell her to mind her own business, but before he could get a word in Rayni was leaving the room, saying that she was going to go look for something valuable.

Kaleth sighed for like the hundredth time that day and looked at Kara. "Would you keep an eye on her, please? I don't want her to take this house apart and sell the bricks."

Kara let out a long, dramatic sigh. "Fine. I guess someone should watch her."

With Kara gone, Kaleth turned to Nef and Nira, who were still sitting on the couch. He wished he could tell them they could go home, but with Nef possibly being an assassin's target and Nira being the Iritharian heir, it just wasn't safe for them to return. And he needed to talk to the princess, as well.

"I think, for the time being at least, you two should stay here. And someone should stay with you in case Relioth somehow finds out where we're staying and sends someone here."

"I'll protect them," Mel volunteered himself, smiling.

"No, I'll do it," Alor blurted out, and Mel's face fell. Kaleth was about to tell Alor to knock it off, but then Alor continued. "It's probably better if you go with Ray, Kara, and Kaleth," he said, talking directly to the Eternal. "Pretty sure it'll be way more dangerous out there than here, and they could use the backup. You can heal people, right? I mean, I know next to nothing about Eternals, but I think I heard that somewhere, or something."

Mel's expression brightened. "Sure!"

"You can heal injuries?" Kaleth asked, fascinated by the concept. It sure could come in handy later.

"Yes," Mel confirmed, nodding with a smile. "And get rid of diseases, too." He looked at Kaleth's right hand. "You cut it when you almost fell in Carcer, right? Your hand. I could heal it if you want."

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