Starting over

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Chapter 3:

He turns into his wolf as he jumps.  I feel the wind, as I barely move out of the way, rushing past me.  He recovers quickly and lunches again.  Before I can take him down another wolf rams into him, taking him down.  He gets up and the warriors look confused at the wolf, but not angry.  All of their eyes fog over.  I guess their mind linking the new guy.
As they are talking I look at the new guy.  He has a black fur coat and radiates power. THE ALPHA... Oh no.  He will know for sure that we don't belong to a pack.  Okay I have to lie.  -It is okay... Don't worry. Just keep it up with the whole we belong to a pack thing.  It will work I promise and I will explain everything later.-  Artemis says confidently, giving me the strength not to have a panic attack.

I look over to Sara and she seems calm.  How strange.  Why is she not freaking out right now?

"Hello, My name is Alpha Jackson."  snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over to find a man in his 30s or 40s, but he could have been 100. Hard to tell with wolves.  Must have shifted when I was freaking out.

"Alya. And this is my friend Sara."  I say trying to sound confident.

"Alpha Alya, I am sorry for my men. They did not realize you were not a rogue." I hide the surprise on my face, from what he believes my title to be.  He seems not to notice.

"I apologize.  We did not think we were so close to your borders.  Me and my friend were driving down the road to the west of here and heard screaming.  We thought we would try to help if we found someone was in trouble.  Which we did."  I look over to the man and woman, he follows my gaze and his friendly simile turns into a frown.

"These two are a couple of my omegas and apparently need to be taught a lesson.  They ran away before, but we caught them and gave them a warning.  We will not be so nice this time. They do not deserve your help.  They are just a couple of mutts."  He says with scowl.  From his words I know that they never just got off on a warning. I hold my growl as I respond, trying to be diplomatic. "Well my pack needs a couple new omegas, the last ones did not last very long..." I am trying to sell it, I remind myself.  "I could take these two off your hands.  I can pay in cash." I have to get them out of here.

"Sure?" He obviously thinks he is getting the better end of the deal from his sadistic smile.

"Alright, would you like to follow us to our car and we will pay you there."  I say, trying not to attack this horrid man.  He nods in response and some warriors come over from the forest and pick up the two omegas and drag them to the car with us.

~Time Skip~

Once they finally leave with some of the cash Auntie May gave me I turn towards Sara.  "Goddess I hate that vile man and why the fuck did he call me alpha?"

"Maybe because you radiate the power of one..."

"Huh???" I look in the back seat, to the two rogues and they simply nod, answering the question in my eyes. Wow... How? -I will tell you later not here.  We need to find enough land for the pack we will create, then we will talk.- Okay Art. I trust you.  And she cut me off.

I take a deep breath. "So, what are you two's names? I am Ayla and this is my sister, Sara." I say pointing at her, sister coming out naturally.

The girl clears her throat. "My name is Claire and this is my mate John, Alpha." She bows her head in submission and her voice cracks with nerves, she avoids eye contact.

"No reason to be scared, we are not going to hurt you. And don't worry there are no omegas in my pack, I was just trying to sell it earlier." She smiles and looks at her mate with hope in her eyes. He looks at me and nods. A simple gesture to say a thankyou.

After our short exchange we slip into a comfortable silence.  We drive for hours and we eventually talk about small things to keep ourselves entertained.  I learned a bit about our new friends.  Claire is a sweet girl who was the omega of her pack and has been an orphan for most of her life (something I can relate to). She was abused and bullied and when she met John, who was the delta's son, he chose her over his position and was made into an omega and disowned from his family because of it. I scared them a bit when I growled at that...  John is a quiet man, but he has been opening up.  I don't expect them to trust us overnight. They have been through a lot.

Five days.  We drove for five days.  I am sore everywhere.  We have finally reached an unclaimed territory that has the perfect amount of territory and can expand later on.  It is also in a forest, so we will be hidden from humans.  There is a town that we can build businesses in and it has a school.  It is far away from our old packs.  It is perfect!

I bought the land with billions still left on the card Auntie May gave me.  Where she got the money... I have no idea.  We already ran into some rogues with similar stories as Claire and John. I have talked to all their wolves, in secret of course, and now know their stories and if they are to be trusted.  I have 27 members.  Not much but it is a start.  We are building a beautiful pack house and have started up a few businesses and investments.  Sara has been made my beta, second in command.  John is my delta, the one who trains the pack.  He deserves it. After all, he has been training his whole life.  Claire is the gamma, the third in command, she is like the advisor of the pack.  Everything is starting to come together

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