Chapter 4

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3 Years Later...

"Congratulations Ms. Quinn. Well done." Mrs Clara said with a wide smile while she handed a document to Eden. Eden still couldn't believe it and was still in doubt. She stared at the transparent folder that held her degree in business finances. She was among the toppers in this three years course. She was very estastic and couldn't wait to tell her mother and Mia her little angel.

"Thank you so much Mrs Clara. Am honoured to receive this from you." Eden said fluently. Her language had improved greatly and could speak very fluently and definitely had brains. No doubt she was still shocked at the outcome of being among the toppers of this course and wandered why she couldn't ace even a single subject as English studies. She now knew she was gifted but maybe she wasn't ready to become something special until her worst day made her arrive here.

"You deserve all of this Ms.Quinn. And best of luck on your journey ahead." Eden smiled warmly and gave Mrs Clara a warm embrace before she departed from the building. She clutched the file so tightly against her chest and smiled. Someone once told her she couldn't become worthy of being by his side as his companion and wife and though she believed it to be true, now she didn't believe it and knew she was very smart. "Look who's already done with the course." Eden jumped startled by the voice that came behind her. She chuckled and turned around to hug Julian, her best friend and fellow student in the business finance course. Julian had platinum blonde hair and green eyes and he was damn dashing with a few beards on him.

"Look at you..and you said you won't last a week," Julian said and Eden chuckled again. He was right about her almost quitting in the first week of the course which her friend Susan had to basically force her into. She never felt at place at first when she started this course but it was Julian who drew up her spirit and confidence and believed in her capabilities and now she was glad Julian was there to help her overcome her fears and unbelief of herself having some sort of worth.

Julian offered Eden a ride to her apartment and she agreed immediately. They reached her apartment and Eden offered Julian to walk in with her into her apartment. The door opened to reveal a plump elderly woman with auburn hair and was holding a little girl in her bosoms. "My sweet angel." Eden beamed with a wide smile as she took her daughter from her mother Lucia. Lucia's eyes sworned towards the tall man standing behind Eden who offered Lucia a smile as a greeting gesture. "How did my sweet angel behave today? Hope your weren't troubling your grandma?" Eden spoke with Mia and Mia only responded with a giggle. "Mama," She said next in her tiny voice and giggled revealing her one tiny tooth in her mouth. Mia mostly took after her father with her pitch black hair and brown orbs. She did get the fair skin from Eden and Lucia wasn't happy with that as she thought seeing Mia's whole appearance always reminded her daughter of her sad marriage that ended three years ago.

"Won't you introduce me to your guest at the door?" Lucia said with a raised eyebrow towards Eden who looked up and gasped silently before she smiled. "Am so sorry Julian. Julian, meet my mom Lucia Quinn and mom, meet Julian Hamston." Eden let out the introduction and got back to focusing her attention on her little angel. Lucia smiled and shaked hands with Julian. Julian was a bit nervous meeting the mother of the woman he likes. Eden also knew about his romantic feelings towards her but she declined him of having any relationship as any sort of relationships were completely locked forever in her life and fortunately Julian understood and didn't push further but did tell her how he wasn't going to give up in trying to win her over.

Lucia moved to the side and allowed Julian to walk into the apartment. The apartment was spacious and moderate and housed them perfectly. Lucia was the one paying the bills for the past two and half years and despite Eden's pleas and request to help with the expenses, Julia refused and wanted her daughter to be someone in life and not waste another opportunity like this again.

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