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A/N: Heyyy...

The way I randomly show up after not updating for 2 months

But yeah, I was just feeling very uncreative, and I literally have no idea how to write fluff, especially in my other book, which is why I'm also stuck on writing that one.

But wow, I just realized how this book is almost coming to an end...

Well, until the make a second season, lol

I just hope it won't take me too long to write that.

But now, enough of my talking and onto le story~~~

It's been a while since our group had last seen Nam-ra.

A long while.

After losing her, we were forced to go back to the rest of our group.

And after a long trip, we found soldiers.

This leads to us now staying here.

In this 'safe camp'.

But it just feels like we're being imprisoned.

Sure, the people here had provided us with food, new clothes, medication and places to sleep, but...

Being watched almost all the time by soldiers that could shoot you any second wasn't really something I enjoyed.

And being quarantined, not knowing anything about the outside situation annoyed me.

And directly, on my first day here, we were interrogated.

More and more questions about Mr. Lee Byeong-chan.


I look around the room where all of us are sitting.

Behind the iron bars in front of us are soldiers.

They are interrogating us, one after another.

Most of the questions are answered normally, but Mi-jin makes me crack up slightly, as she rants on and on about wanting to go to college and how hard a senior's life was, while the woman asking the questions stared at her blankly.

Now it's my turn.

I switch spots with Dae-su, who was just done with being interrogated, and stare at the woman in front of me.

(A/N: Lol I was checking this chapter for spelling mistakes, and it changed Dae-su to DADSU... help)

"When the infection started spreading, how did you get out of the school?" She asks me.

I take a few seconds.

"Uh... we made a run for it. It was night, raining and... so we ran." I state simply.

I slightly tilt my head.

What was the reason for that question?

What did she want me to answer??

"Did you see any other survivors?"

"... No. And I think that if there had been some, the bombs wiped all of them out."

"Alright, now, what do you know about Mr. Lee Byeong-chan? Anything suspicious you saw him do?"

I sigh, shrugging my shoulders.

"He was like every other science teacher. And I didn't really suspect him of doing something when I thought that his weird antics were due to his son dying. And then, when it all started, Hyeon-ju told us all about him giving her a shot." I tell her.

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