Better off

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"Every moment since the day I was born, as far as I could remember, always this - 'Veera you are so useless', 'we never wanted you', 'we always wanted a son', 'why are you even here'. If you never wanted me, why even give birth to me? Did I ask you to do that? Except for that and paying for my basic needs, you people have done nothing for me? What sorts of parents are you? All my life I kept craving for at least an ounce of love to be spared for me, but no, all I got was emotional and physical abuse. You guys have completely disturbed my mind to such an extent that I do not even know what parents' love is and neither do I want to have a child because in my mind, thanks to your f*cked up raising, I have this thought drilled in that I will perhaps end up like you if I ever become a parent.", Veera yelled in frustration, angry tears streaming down her cheeks.

Saheer gazed at his wife with a mixture of multiples emotions in his eyes. Pride for standing up against those pathetic excuses of parents of hers, compassion and sadness for what she's been through all her life, anger for her parents and most important, immense love for his brave wife.

"How dare you? We are your parents?..", before Mrs. Bhatia could even complete her venom filled statement, she was cut off by Veera's bitter chuckle.

"Parents you say? The only person who knows to be a parent, a perfect parent who has nothing but love, pure unconditional love for their kid here, is my husband, my Saheer. So do not you recite the hymns of yours being the ideal parents."

"And you Mrs. Khanna, can you please just stop commenting on my attire and if I wear the mangalsutra (nuptial chain) and sindoor (vermillion). For starters, this is my life, so my attire should be my choice and second, my husband stands firmly with me for my choices, so as long as my family is fine with how I am, you do not get to intervene.", Veera stated in a firm voice.

Saheer simply glanced at his mother's infuriated face with a mocking smirk.

"Oh, so that's how you speak with elders, huh?", came her bitter retort.

"I respect elders Mrs. Khanna, but you haven't given me a reason to respect you. For your age, yes, I will address you respectfully, but other than that, do not expect anything from me."

"And you won't say anything to her Saheer?", Mrs. Khanna glanced at her son still standing with a mocking smirk on his face.

"Well, you heard my wife, so.", Saheer replied with a nonchalant shrug making her fume.

He was extremely proud of Veera. The way she was handling these people today was absolutely commendable especially when the four of them were hell-bent on blaming and deriding her.

"Why you insolent child?", Veera's dad started nearing her with a vicious expression on his face and his hand raised. Just before a slap were to come Veera's way, Saheer took ahold of his hand and brushed it down harshly.

"Never again Mr. Bhatia. Remember this, never again.", he stated in a cold voice.

As though Veera's dad had grasped his warning tone, he stepped back but not without giving Veera a murderous glare.

"Bas kariye na papa, please.", Veera spoke in a chocked tone, tired of everything.

(Please stop this papa)

"I can't take this from you and mom anymore, not for something I had never been responsible for. Its not my fault that I was a girl child, not my fault that you found a fault with my existence, not my fault that you could not have the boy you wished for. Not my fault, please."

Seeing her break down, Saheer collected her within his arms while she sobbed.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bhatia, this is the last time that I see my wife cry because of y'all. The next time, I will be taking an action - the consequences of which you would not really like.", Saheer warned them.

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