A Pause

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After everything that went on and after they said their final goodbyes to their friend, Abel, Sirdan, Rajeem, Evan'geline, and the old man that had been sitting there the whole time, a blood hunter with a thick beard and thicker arms and belly called Joseph Jorgal, had attached to them for some reason the now only woman on the group didn't understand nor did she tried to, something about how one of the corpses they found back in the butcher's home along with the woman they had to find was part of his organization and he had to retrieve something that belonged to her, and as they walked back into Evermist noticed how the house was crawling with soldiers and was sealed.

— You can't enter, this is a crime scene. —said the man in an ok fitting blue breastplate.

— Y-Yes we know, we just need to grab something that's inside that's all. — Abel replied nervously which made the guard raise a brow but before the man could reply the platinum-haired woman intervened.

— I think we need to go to Mr. Farnobius and let him know what just happened and to update the status of our... party? — she said now a bit doubtful if being a group, or a party was something the rest wanted, especially for the glance Jeem gave her.

— I guess you're right, and see if he pays us too. — Sirdan added with his usual sideway carefree smile that made him look almost handsome. With a glance, Evan'geline could tell he was high again.

And so they walked back to the three-story building where Evermist's burgomaster, Farnobius Reeve lived, a pompous little man that was painfully in love with his looks and had made the mayor's building into a monument to his ego, each and every floor had a particular design with an intent behind it, this was the second time they stepped foot on this place, the shock it caused hadn't lessened, the first floor, paintings, paintings everywhere, of his face, of his mismatched green and blue eyes, of his black greasy straight hair, on different art styles as well, this time a couple of them chuckled at the discovery of one not so flattering that probably the artist gave him some incredible explanation that made the man think that the painting wasn't an insult, but oh it was and a bit obscene too. This time, Evan'geline noticed a downstairs stairwell from where various voices could be heard, she took note of this.

They walked upstairs to the second floor where the dreadful sculptures were, one thing was paintings on the wall, out of your walkway and if you aimed your line of sight strategically you could also keep them out of view, but here? it was impossible, rows and rows of different styled sculptures of different sizes and poses stood there, demanding attention, almost screaming for it, you HAD to look at them so you wouldn't accidentally bump into one and break it, although breaking it would've probably been the best thing that could happen to that poor wasted material, they made it out of the second floor and the sculptures remained intact, for now.

The grieving group silently made their way up to the third floor and their eyes were assaulted by the white walls, floors, and ceilings, this was the second time they were here and it was just as intense as the first time, the white of the walls seemed to shine, they were told that the "artist" that designed this building took extra care with this room that represented the mind of Farnobius, that visit had been a cherished memory for Evan'geline because, for the first time in a while, she had shared a little moment of complicity with Rajeem, both mocking the stupidity of their patron and sharing an internal laugh with just an exchanged look. This time though, she didn't think it would be as fun.

Evan'geline knocked on the door at the end of the white room, being followed by Sirdan, Joseph, Rajeem, and Abel, almost half of them were a wreck, not being able to shower or clean after the fight at the butcher's home and Eilrath's burial, and of course, they were met by Farnobius disgusted gaze.

— Oh, you're here, you didn't soil my beautiful white room, didn't you? — he asked with a serious face as he studied their expressions.

— We didn't... Sir...— Said Evan'geline with a bit of effort. — We are here to update you on the mission you sent us to.

— Oh! Marvelous, Now tell me tell me! — He looked around with his mismatched eyes and stopped on the strange hairy man standing a bit back from them. — And who might you be? I don't remember you.

— I am a blood hunter sent to help with your troubles and to find out what happened to the one they sent before me. — Joseph's voice was so deep that it seemed like he was growling instead of talking, thankfully not so much that they couldn't understand.

— Ha! — Farnobius laughed in disbelief. — I find it absurd that after all the time we spent waiting for help from your kind, it is just when someone else helps that you take the decency to show your dirty faces. — He accentuated his disgust by scrunching up his nose at him, making the other man tense. They could all notice the old leather armor he wore creaking around him.

— Please Sir. we just lost one of our own and so did he. We just came to give you updates on the disappearances and what we need to do now. — Rajeem took a step forward with tired eyes and his little sad smile that could disarm an entire army.

It did work with Farnobius since the man looked around and saw that indeed Eilrath was missing— The dark times are coming... the big muscly woman is missing, oh what a shame... sorry for your loss... but that's how this dangerous business goes does it not? now... do tell me quickly what news?

— Well, we kind of sorta found the lost people, but they're trapped on dolls back in ol' Crowley's workshop. — Sirdan said being as specific as his crackhead mind allowed him.

Abel sighed at his old friend and continued, — A-apparently there's an entity that took those people hostage, and it wants C-crowley or news about him and he'll let go of the townsfolk... We have evidence to believe t-that that he went to the whispering cave to meet with a woman he was pretending.

— A werewolf woman. — Sirdan added proudly and made Farnobius gasp horrified and the black-haired half-elf nodded in approval. — I knowww! kinky bastard.

— Anyway, Susana, the woman, was killed by the butcher and never made it to the whispering cave. If we recover the remains and deliver them to the family and let them know that the murderer paid, this might put an end to your werewolf problem. — Finished Rajeem calmly.

Farnobius stayed silent for a few seconds and nodded, — Very well, thank you for the work you've done... and the saucy gossip, now shoo your smell is stinking my office, go wait downstairs your payment, shoo shoo. — he ushered them with his hands as they all walked out.

As they did, Sirdan stayed back and let out a soft curse, going to the right corner beside the now closed door of the Burgomaster and crouched to see something up close and then picked a tiny jar from one of his things, this poked Evan'geline's and Rajeem's curiosity so they crouched next to him to see what was going on.

— Remember last time we were here? when Eilrath barfed through that window? — Sirdan said, pointing to the small arched opening in the violently white room. — Some of it sprayed here and left a stain... I'm trying to cover it with some white polish but... it doesn't look quite right... I guess there was some magic on the original paint, I dunno.

— If that's the case you just need to clean it... there's no need to cover it with something. — Rajeem tried with his nails to tear up the polish that Sirdan had just haphazardly applied, and to everyone's dismay it tore up a bit of the shiny white paint.

The group let out a soft —shit — before Sirdan waved his hands doing a small illusory effect on the peeled paint to make it look as perfect as before and looked back at them — That's only going to last for a bit so let's get the hell out of here.

After this they went back to the first floor as quickly as they could and met with Farnobius' secretary, a young tired-looking pink tiefling woman that smiled at them, — Do you mind waiting a bit? I'll go up to collect your payment and bring it to you.

They all nodded and Evan'geline glanced again at the basement where she heard voices when they arrived, — Hey... any of you want to come to check this out?— She said already walking towards the stairs.

— Evangeline I don't think you should... — Rajeem warned with that intense look of his and made her hesitate, though at the end she gestured that it'll just take a minute and rushed downstairs.

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