chapter 23

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That's when bullets rained upon you from every direction.

You ducked and rolled on the ground, getting as low as possible. While in this process, your head hit the ground with a sickening thunk. Your ears start ringing as you curse, holding your hand to your head. Scavenging for the source of the gunfire, your head pounded as blood rose to your ears. Hofmann's men were on the high rooftops of Vienna, using generators and other objects on the rooftops as cover.

"Merde.." you wheezed.

"Catch me if you can!" Mr. Hofmann taunted, escaping down the ladder and into the streets. Infuriated, you crouched down low, evading bullets as you sprinted after him. Your head was throbbing.

Slinging your rifle over your back, you travelled down the ladder, hands on fire from the friction of your gloves. Your body ached, but you ran after Mr. Hofmann as he ducked into an alleyway, running as fast as your weak legs could take you.

Black spots danced in your vision as you wheezed for air, each breath you took filled with icy oxygen. Your eyes grew heavy. You felt like you were on the verge of fainting, but you proceeded on.

Shit... How hard did I hit my head?

Just as you would get closer to him, he would evade you, disappearing behind tall brick buildings like smoke. For an older guy, he sure as hell does run fast.

You shoved past bystanders, pushing them out of the way carelessly. "Move!" you cried, hair stuck to your face from sweat. You could barely hold yourself up. The loud chatter and conversations of citizens wasn't making your head injury feel any better. The night air was warm, and your body was on fire.

He went past another corner, almost running into a woman with a baby in her arms. "Pass auf, wohin du gehst! Verrückte leute..." she cried in exasperation. Her baby wailed from the sudden action, it's high-pitched cries all the more painful for you to hear.

You ran past them, reaching the corner where Hofmann just went.

You panted, lungs burning. "No... Nowhere to hide now...!" you managed through labored efforts.

But he was nowhere to be seen. The atmosphere was stale and empty, the area completely still and silent. Your gaze travelled upwards. A ladder.

Just as you were about to follow him onto the rooftop, your legs gave out underneath you. You collapsed, your hands smacking against the ground to brace yourself. The world before you span relentlessly, your eyes struggling to keep themselves open, to stay awake. It sounded like you were underwater, the ambience of the bustling streets muffled.

"[Y/N]... [Y/....N]!"

"Simon..." you breathed, trying to open your eyes. You felt your body being pulled up, back onto your feet.

"Hey, hey, lean on me. It's okay," you heard Simon speak, his words comforting, gentle, yet fast.

"He's.... getting away..." you whined.

"He couldn't have gone far," he assured. "Can you walk?"

You nodded, the world slowly coming back to you in full force. Sounds got louder, the smell of fried food and sweat stronger.

"I don't need your... help..." you hissed between breaths.

"Are you sure? Because it sure does look like it," he retorted wittily. You could almost see his eyes roll, even though your gaze was fixated on the spinning asphalt below.

"Cu...nt..." you said lowly. The world was slowly going black again.

"Stay with me, [Y/N]," Simon said, his soft, yet strong voice keeping you from passing out. You mustered up your strength, fighting to stay awake — you couldn't let Hofmann get away with this.

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