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Meia released all the onomatopoeias she had in stock as she advanced beside her mother to express her pain while Royal and Kenya hurried in front. Belle Ange giggled; the last child was the only one who could without being scolded.

Callum felt sorry for the kids but also for Thandie as he imagined how she struggled to meet her children's needs. The man pushed the thoughts of the mother away and headed back inside to watch how the first batches of cakes sold off. He focused on his business. His date didn't invade his mind until lunchtime when Adele sent him a message on Oppo.

I can't wait to meet you. The message added pressure on Callum's shoulders, and he suddenly wondered what to wear for his rendezvous. Callum wasn't sure anything in his wardrobe would seduce the woman. He usually wore a white tee and dark-rinsed jeans. Many thought the man never changed his clothes when Callum just bought the same product repeatedly. There something told him he should put in an effort. Callum wanted something classy but casual that showed his investment in his appearance without making it seem like he placed his life on the line. Caitlyn advised a Japanese ready-to-wear brand, saying it had the everyday items he sorted when Callum called.

Callum hated shopping for anything other than food and ingredients. Thus, the man hurried to choose. He brought two pairs of trousers, new undies, three linen shirts, and a few new tees.

"Are you okay, Callum?" Liz asked when he saw the man enter his office with a few shopping bags.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's just that you seem a little let's offbeat compared to your usual self."

"What do you mean by offbeat," Callum asked.

"Well, you keep smiling at yourself. Don't get me wrong; a smile is always welcome. It's just, Did something good happen? Can we hope for a pay rise anytime soon," Liz said, trying to catch a glimpse of the contents of his bags.

Callum chuckled nervously. There wasn't a day when Liz didn't taunt him concerning the salary, and like on all those occasions, Callum avoided the subject, "I'm good; I'm just a little anxious. I'm going out tonight," he replied, and hurried to put the bags away.

Liz was the first person he recruited when he opened, and she was also his oldest employee. The woman was like a mother to everyone, including Callum. Hence, she was one of the rare people Callum opened up to.

"With friends?" Liz interrogated.

"With someone," Callum replied with a solemn tone and an expression that said don't-try-to-fish-for-more.

"Ohh, that's great, Callum," Liz replied with a knowing smile.

Callum's eyes darted, "I think I should cancel."

Liz frowned, "why love, it's good to go out. Get some fresh air, enjoy, don't overthink it."

"Easy for you to say."

"No, Callum, it's plain simple. Relax. It's not like you're going to marry her."

"I didn't say the person was a woman."

Liz lowered her gaze, "I didn't know you were in the closet."


"Callum," Liz replied with the sardonic smile she used when customers ran on her last nerves before regaining the motherly aura she was known for to give Callum a little pep speech, "Listen, just be yourself. If your person of interest doesn't like you as you, then there's no loss."

Callum didn't see anything else he could do except give a nod, and Liz returned to the counter.

"That was one long peeing pause," Irene said when Liz joined Keisha and her at the bakery's counter.

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