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FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD Anjali readjusted her gym bag handle over her shoulder as she continued to stroll towards the soccer field of her New Jersey high school, Samiya and Magdalena flanking her in their own uniforms and with their own bags.

The late August sun beat down on the trio as they walked further and further away from the school.

"You know what I was thinking?" Samiya began as she ran her free hand through her dark and wavy hair, "After practice, we should see if your mom will take us to that frozen yogurt place near ShopRite."

"Yes! They have this like red velvet flavor now," Magdalena exclaimed, her ponytailed light brown hair moving around due to her excitement, "When you get it with chocolate sprinkles, it's so good."

"I'll ask if she doesn't seem tired," Anjali stopped at the first white line painted into the turf and then sat down to put on her Adidas cleats.

"Lena! Yo, Lena!" The girls turned around at the sound of Magdalena's nickname, only to spot a tall and tanned boy with brown hair that curled on his forehead.

"Ugh," Magdalena groaned lowly as he approached, "Of fucking course."

"Who is that?" Anjali scrunched her face a bit at her friend's tone.

"My annoying ass brother. What do you want, Mateo?" Magdalena inquired, "Practice is about to start."

Now that Mateo was closer, Anjali could make out a set of deep brown eyes, full lips, and a jawline that could probably cut her if she got too close.

"You forgot to take out the dog before school and mom's on the warpath," Mateo spoke in a raspy tone, "She's going on and on about how lazy we both are when it was just your turn. She's talking about giving him away!"

Magdalena groaned, "Shit, really?" She looked at the two other girls, "It looks like no frozen yogurt tonight."

"No shit, Sherlock." Mateo sniped and then looked toward Anjali and Samiya and nodded, "Who are they?"

"I'm Miya and this is Anji." Samiya introduced them both as she began to pull her hair up into a ponytail.

Mateo's soulful brown eyes were glued to her face, scanning her from the roots of her loose, thick, and curly hair to the soccer practice uniform on her body and Anjali began to lightly pull on a strand by her ear, not finding enough oxygen to speak.

"Anji..."He repeated her nickname and Anjali resisted the heavy urge to release a dreamy sigh in return.

His eyes remained on her face for a few seconds longer and then Mateo switched his gaze back to his sister, "Clean up our dog's shit so that mom doesn't give him away." And then the older boy walked back to the parking lot.

Samiya elbowed her the moment Mateo was out of earshot, "That was a moment!"

"No, that was my bum ass brother." Magdalena interrupted.

"Your brother is fine," Samiya laughed, "I'm sorry but he is the finest guy I've ever-."

"Miya, please shut up," Magdalena interjected.

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