~Chapter 38~

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So...strangely calming....

I look down at the bag filled with the things my mother asked me to buy and surprisingly I found everything fast and then the really nice employee helped me as I payed for it all. The walk felt extremely short and quiet to the shop as my nerves got the best of me making me walk fast with only the shop in my mind but leaving the doors with a few deep breaths and no mission to go anywhere except back to the house left me just staring at the scenery.

I look at the partially quiet street with only a few people and smile as I let myself relax looking around while walking. The people all look happy as they pass by me and I feel myself get lost in my thoughts as I look around.

Nothing much has changed except for a few places but other than that it felt like I never left but just aged a lot with more stories to tell. It's strange to think of it especially since this is the exact things I pushed so far back in my mind but now I was forced to bring it back and strangely it doesn't hurt as much as it used to.

I'm still hurt and struggling with it but I made up my mind with not letting them hurt my heart or mind anymore. It's been years if I think about it and this feels like the final trial for me to pass to just end it finally which I believe I did. I am left with the emotions and memories of it all but it's done now.

Standing in the same place I grew up and where it all started just reminds me once again time passes and somehow I still stayed mentally in one place. It reminds me of the days I couldn't even think of any of these places without bursting into tears and hiding away in a new place hoping it would get better.

I really need to let go no matter how hard it is...

I take a deep breath as I realise my mind took a more serious route before shaking my head and walking back to the house only focusing on a few places around me.

The walk goes by fast as I smile in relief seeing my house and walk up to the door feeling like a acomplished something even if it was extremely small and would mean nothing to someone else. I finally took a tiny step to let myself breathe and it feels like a small load is off my shoulders that I made it to walk outside without even crying once seeing the old memories.

One win for Eun-hye! And hopefully many more to come....

I take a deep breath smiling and nodding at my thoughts before opening the front door and stepping inside switching my shoes for slippers.

"I'm back Eomma!" I call out as I walk further into the house and see her pop her head out of the kitchen with wide eyes before walking towards me with her eyes scanning my face.

"You are back so soon! You are much faster than I would have been thank you so much" She beams at me and I give her a smile in return.

"Come with me to set the things down then you can help me prepare lunch since it's just us two eating" She starts walking to the kitchen as I follow after her putting down the bag on table before walking towards the counter seeing how she already put out the ingredients waiting to be cut.

We both share a smile before she instructs me what to do and I follow as silence follows after but I can tell she wants to say something. I sneak glances at her and tilt my head feeling my curiousity grow as she looks deep in thought but I quickly look away when she turns to look at me with a deep sigh.

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