24 ~ Aishwarya Massages Ranvijay's Back

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Aishwarya POV

My fingers were trembling while gazing down on his chest and stomach. He did not have plain stomach like me but muscular and naturally made six rectangular boxes. My eyes were unwontedly gazing at the thick and dark mole he had on his midriff. 

I lifted my gaze to look into his eyes for a moment and he smiled.

"Come on,"

He muttered and I nodded.

You can do it. Aishwarya. He got hurt with you foolishness. You should bear the crop you sowed.

I inhaled a deep breath and lowered myself to sit down beside him on the edge of the bed. My cheeks were feeling heated up with the close proximity and whatever happened a few moments before. My lips were still feeling his lips on mine. The way he tried to pull my lips into his mouth made me feel the heights of sensations I had never felt. My stomach had flipped a thousands times when he was lying over me and his arms were beside my chest, keeping me closer to him.

I could feel my heart pounding heavily in my chest as my gaze was looking down on his chest. It was big, puffy and almost double of what I had.

Why the hell am I comparing?

I closed my eyes to calm myself down and suddenly his voice startled me.


I opened my eyes and looked at him. My eye lashes fluttered looking at him smiling at me and I managed to mutter.


His smile widened even more and I senselessly lowered my gaze to take the oil in my palm. I gently rubbed it together and felt its warmth going through my palm giving me a slight sense of relaxation.

But, suddenly he sat up and my stomach twisted. My eyes widened to look at him smiling at me and I blinked nervously. I saw him leaning in closer to my cheek slowly. My lashes fluttered rapidly before giving in to the warmth of his cheek against mine and getting shut.

A strong shiver ran down my spine as he placed his lips very close to end of my lips and kissed me gently.

"You do not have to be scared all the time. I will not eat you,"

He said and I inhaled a deep breath looking into his eyes nervously.

He smiled looking at me and said further.

"Also, the problem is in my back not in my stomach,"

I felt another wave of embarrassment hitting my face like wave of ocean and I immediately lowered my gaze with timidness.

What the hell was wrong with me?

Why was I behaving like this always in front of him.

"Ah, yes, Please turn,"

I managed to say and he smiled looking at me. I closed my eyes for a moment to calm down my racing heart beats and saw him laying back on the bed again but this time on his stomach.

I inhaled a deep breath of relaxation to see that now he was not watching me that way because his face was pushing against the pillow. He placed his hands under his cheek to support him and very soon my relaxation came to an end as I landed my gaze to his back.

Now, it made me feel even more nervous. He was tall, strong and his muscles were visible on his shoulders. His biceps were puffing up with his position and a slow gasp escaped my lips.

Calm down. Aishwarya! He will not eat you. He told you. Just calm down and apply the oil that's it.

I plastered a smile of courage on my lips and rubbed my palm together to begin. I tried to move my focus from my racing heart beats to his tanned back. I inhaled a deep breath and with my trembling and shaking fingers took my hand closer to his lower back.

Aishwarya ~ The Prince's Brown BrideWhere stories live. Discover now