Chapter Eight - Big Justin

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Juliana's POV

I froze, turning around in a slow, animated way. Like the way you would see someone in a movie, or cartoon, do.

But I relaxed when I saw who it was.

"Oh, hey Elijah. What do you need?" I asked, leaning on the railing that led to the upstairs hallway.

"Can you come with me real quick? I'd like to check your arm." He said and I shrugged, sticking my arm out but he shook his head, making me realise I had misunderstood.

"No no, I would like to do it in the clinic. We have cream for burns up there, and I'd also like to assess you for a concussion. I don't know if you remember this or not, but when you fell to the ground your head hit the ground pretty hard."

So I followed him up to the clinic, and for some reason Elijah was sure to tell me that I wouldn't have to see Hunter, as he was in a different section than we would be.

Once we got into what looked to be your standard doctors office type room, I hopped up onto the annoying bed with the crinkly paper, which I thought was a little dramatic for something as small as a burn, and turned towards Elijah expectantly.

"Go ahead and roll up your sleeve." I rolled it up to my elbow, and he inspected the burn, poked in a few places just to make sure none of my nerves had been damaged.

"So, you want to be a doctor when you get older?" He asked as he applied burn cream to my forearm.

"Possibly. I don't know if I want to be a doctor exactly, maybe just a nurse." I said. A nurse seemed like a much more attainable goal. They were always needed, plus medical school seemed like a bitch.

"I'm sure you'll be amazing no matter what you choose to do. Do you plan on being involved in the mafia?" He asked sceptically.

I thought about that for a second, considering it.

"I don't know." Was the best thing I could settle on, and Elijah raised his brow at me.

"You 'don't know?'" He repeated.

"I mean I've never really thought about it. It's no secret that my side of the family is pretty distanced from the mafia. Especially compared to here. I've never really thought about what my life would look like after I turned 18." I said semi-honestly.

Had I thought about what my life would look like after I turned 18, yes. And that plan included me leaving. Going someplace far away, where nobody knew where I was, and he could never touch me again.

"Well it is something you'll have to put into consideration as you get older. This burn seems like it would have been the worst of the two, and I am going to give you something to put on it. I don't think the other one should be any bother; however if it is just let me know. But I won't look at it. That'll save you the trouble of having to take off your shirt." Elijah said, and I nodded gratefully.

"So, I'm going to take a look at your pupils by shining this," He held up a little pocket light that all doctors seem to just have on them at all times. "In your eyes."

He then proceeded to blind the fuck out of me and resort to holding my eyelids open when I refused to do so on my own.

Talk about torture devices.

He then held up a finger and made me follow it around, which was a weird game, and it made me frustrated when the second I would focus on his finger he would suddenly move it again. Not to mention that there was no true way to win the game if he was just going to keep moving his finger around.

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