018 ˢᵘᵍᵃʳʰⁱˡˡᵈᵈᵒᵗ

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4:15pm, 2023

AS SOON AS the words fell off of Edot's lips, I began to worry and become even more anxious then I was when I first saw how there faces looked.

"What do you mean 'It's about Dudeylo' is he ok? Did something happen?"I rush for an answer, and then try to think when the last time my brother was home.

"Well he's not hurt, but he's in trouble. He's started selling drugs on a regular"As Edot continues talking I freeze up.

Because the only reason he selled that one time was, because he needed money to pay for my sessions. And to be honest, my sessions have been going great, but now that I know that dirty money is paying for it I honestly do not know how to feel.

"So what your telling me is there is a high chance of him getting caught and being sent to prison?"I hope the next words that are being said are, 'No because he is being really careful about it, and is starting to stop' But just to my fucking luck it's the opposite.

"Yes there is, we actually think some police have been on to him, because they have been circling the block a lot lately."Ddot buts in, which I didn't think he was going to talk at all considering he isn't very fond of me at the moment.

But, even when he's still talking to me, his eyes are around the room and his body is slightly turned away from me.

I just wiggle off all the feelings, because I chose this I didn't want to tell him the truth because my paranoia got to me. And now I have to pay the price, but I can't say I don't miss our late night chats or how he was there for me when I was a bit of a low point, or even how he mainly came over to steal my food.

Come on it's not even that serious.

"Kylah, Kylah, Mkylah"Edot ends up snapping me out of my day dream, as when he calls my name three times.

"What"The harsh tone in my voice was definitely unintentional, "My bad, it's just, this is just very overwhelming"I was trying to tell them to get out, and hoped they got the hint.

"Well we told her we can go now"Ddot yet again doesn't even bother glancing at me as he grabs the keys edot came in with and starts walking to the door.

"Not so fast"Edot pulls him back confusing me just as much as it does Ddot, "Whatever the hell is going on with you to, it's going to be fixed right now"Edot moves Ddot's body to the point where he's sitting right next to me.

But, when I look at him his head is turned and his hands are in the pocket of his hoodie, "Ok so Ddot tell me your side of the story"Edot grabs a random chair moves it to in front of us and sits down.

"Ok uh so we had this dinner together but ever since the dinner she had been ignoring me, so I went to go ask her why, but she kept lying to me was even looking me in the eye lying. And you know I don't fuck with that lying shit so I left."Him saying it out loud kinda felt like a jab to the heart, because though the situation was stupid it just felt so big.

"Ok now Kylah tell me your side and I want zero lies"Edot says curious of what I have to say. I take a breather trying to find the words, because by telling him this story i'm telling him I like him. But that's something i'm willing to do.

"So basically, when we had that dinner I um, realized when I got home that I had feelings for Ddot. And so my paranoia kicked in and I felt like since we hadn't known each other for that long. That it would be dumb to tell him, so I kept it from him. And the only way I could do that was if I ignored him so I did. But when he came over, I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't."I then turn to Ddot whose face is in pure shock.

"Ddot I didn't tell you because I like us as friends, and I don't want to ruin that. Plus you being mad at me was probably for the best, because there are tons of things you don't know about my past."After telling him this I get up and move away from him.

"Ok problem solved you guys can go now"I open the door motioning for them to leave, knowing that whatever Ddot has to say to me I didn't want to hear.

"Kylah,"Before he can finish I turn away from him, "Darrian, goodbye"Now I was the one that  couldn't look him in the eye and I felt terrible.

But when I feel the door close behind me I turn around, not expecting Edot to still be in the room.

"As much as you guys don't know each other, when you both talked I heard that you guys were hurt and missed each other. And i'm no therapist but what if you did that for nothing and he actually likes you back"He pauses letting process what he's saying before he continues.

"Darrian is a good kid, i've known him since he was little. No matter your past, he's always gonna be that nigga who will be there for you. So I advice, that you let go of whatever baggage your carrying, and tell him. Trust me it will make you feel better."With that he leaves the room and let's me think about what he just said.

Maybe I should tell them.

Ok so this was a filler chapter and a bit of a info chapter.

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