3. Brother

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Isabella Rose

I've been here for three days now and no one talks to me. I don't get it there are always people downstairs but nobody is allowed to talk to me. Isn't that weird.

I sigh laying on my bed. I'm so bored I would even go fishing if someone asked me to. And I hate fishing.

I get out of my room and decide to explore this massive house. I'm after all here for a month. I go through a hallway and there are a lot of doors. I open one and spot a pool table. It's a nice room. Only if my friends were here I could play with them.

I close the door and head for another. I open it but close it so fast because I spot a boy changing his clothes.
"Omg I'm so sorry!" I yell.

After about 30 seconds the boy opens the door now dressed.
"I really am sorry, I should've knocked" I say embarrassed of myself.

"No worries. Are you here to get with Valentino? his bedroom is that way" He says and I make a disgusted face.
"Oh absolutely not! He can go to hell" I say as the boy laughs.

"He's my older brother" he says and I slam my hands onto my face. Why am I doing this to myself. I should just duck tape my mouth.

"Don't worry I know he can be a dick sometimes, I'm Matteo Gray" he says as he shakes my hand. It's nice to finally talk to someone who is actually nice. He's not at all like his brother. Thank god. "I'm Isabella" I say.

"Tell me why are you here?" he asks walking with me through the hall.
"So long story short I ran from my wedding and ended up here. Oliver took me in and I made a deal with Valentino to stay here for a month" I say leaving out some details. I do not tell him about Dante because I know what of an reaction that got the last time.

"Wow that was an interesting story" he says in shock. I nod following him downstairs.
"So Valentino agreed to your deal?" he asks.

"Mhm, is that shocking?" I ask smiling.

"Well, yea that's really shocking for me. He has never let anyone stay upstairs before. People are not usually allowed up. And he certainly do not agree on deals." He says and I am now wondering why I was allowed up.

"Morning Mr Grey" a maid say as we pass her. I wave to her but she doesn't respond.

"Can I ask you a question Matteo?" I say with a confused look on my face.
He nods as we head into the kitchen.
How big is this place?!

"Why won't anyone talk to me here?" I say.
He opens the fridge and takes out a sandwich.
"It's my brothers orders. He told me too. He said to stay away from someone new in the house and that I am not allowed to talk to you" he says taking a bite of his food.

"Oh...well you know you are breaking the rules right now then" I say as he smiles showing his dimples.

"I really never listen to my brother Isabella" he says as I laugh. If I had a brother like Valentino I wouldn't listen either to be honest.

"You never do, do you?" a voice from behind says. I turn to see that Valentino is standing at the door.
"Good to see you too brother" Matteo says as he pats Valentinos shoulder then passes by him. Leaving me alone with him. Shit.

"I don't want you to talk to Matteo again." He says as I cross my arms annoyed. This is just great.

"Are you going to tell me why I am staying upstairs? Matteo said no one is allowed up there" I say ignoring what he just said.

"Because I want it that way" he answers then turns to walk out as I follow him. We walk in silence for a while.
"That wasn't an answer to my question" I say now walking beside him.

"Stop doing that it's annoying" he says looking at my hands. I realize I have been pinching myself again. I do it when I'm nervous or stressed but usually never know I'm doing it until it hurts.

"You're annoying" I say back. He gives me a look of disbelief.
"Well you never answer my questions so if someone is annoying it's you" I say not caring anymore.

"Fine will you shut up if I answer?" he ask's irritated by me. I nod. A lie.
I like talking, it's one of the things I'm good at so I won't probably shut up but I tell him that anyway.

He stops in place and turns to look at me.
"You see this place" he points around.
"It's filled with men who will take advantage of you at any moment. They are good use for my work but won't hesitate to harass a woman when they see one, they are like animals.
"You stay upstairs because they are not allowed there" he says. And I don't know why but I'm getting hot.

"Why do you care for my safety" I say knowing he probably doesn't.

He grins. "I give a shit about you sweetheart, don't take this the wrong way. I just will never hurt women and won't let that happen under my roof" he says making my cheeks go red.

"Aw so you do have a heart" I say as he walks closer to me. He pushes me up against the wall looking down on me. So little space between us. My heart beats faster. What the fuck is happening.

"Are you blushing for me, amore" he says making it hard for me to breathe.
I push him away.
"No of course not asshole" I say then walk away to my room.

I throw myself on my bed closing my eyes. Pushing the weird feeling deep down and tell myself "that won't happen again."

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