Chapter 17

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Elliot really left.

A few days later, I see his news on the entertainment section.

On a luxury cruise ship in Dubai, his long-sleeved cotton shirt is half-open, revealing his well-built and attractive chest and abdomen muscles. Standing across from him is a group of bikini-clad beauties waiting for him to choose.

The paparazzi captured him and mocked his pickiness, saying that he had a frowning expression the whole time, and only took one of the girls back to a luxury hotel in the evening.

He is living a life of indulgence in the Arabian Gulf, while I am back to the life of a single mother in the Mediterranean, following a routine every day.

Except for one thing.

Prof. Enzo is falling in love.

When I hear this news, I am both surprised and happy: "Will you two spend Christmas together?"

Prof. Enzo pushes his glasses and feels a bit embarrassed, "We've only known each other for a short time, so probably not."

Prof. Enzo met that girl one day while having breakfast at a coffee shop. She is French and works in luxury goods design in Paris, coincidentally visiting Italy.

It was just an ordinary morning in Florence, but that girl was a lively and beautiful surprise. They had endless conversations.

Prof. Enzo says, "But she is very young, about the same age as you."

He pauses, "I'm getting older and older instead. "

I've heard him mention his age more than once. Prof. Enzo has always felt lost and even inferior due to the uncontrollable passage of time. I know there's a bit of my own reason behind it.

"Prof, when love comes, it doesn't calculate your age in advance."

Sometimes, we have to believe in the gifts of fate.

I'm truly happy that Prof. Enzo is luckier than me.

And Prof. Enzo even asks me, "Macy, do you know you have a surprising stubbornness?"


"We've known each other for so long, and you've always called me Prof. I've never met anyone as stubborn as you before."

I feel like I might have made Prof. Enzo uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, it's just that..."

Just that... I can't explain it either.

Prof. Enzo lets out a sigh of relief and pats my shoulder.

Perhaps, for a long time now, we have transitioned from a potential romantic relationship to a companionship that transcends age, closer to friendship and family but far from romantic love.

Before going to Sicily for Christmas, Prof. Enzo threw me a question, "Macy, it's been six years. You should think about whether you've truly become happy."

I am stunned for quite a while.

Finally, the Christmas vacation came. I drive Oliver to Dolomiti for skiing.

Oliver happened to see skiing on TV and became very interested. He has asked me many times when I will take him skiing.

I used to say he was too young, but this year is the first time I bring him.

We set off from Florence and after a five-hour drive, we enter the snow-covered town. We first check into the hotel, then I help Oliver change into his ski suit with a cute SpongeBob print.

As soon as Oliver sees the vast snowy slopes outside, he gets excited and drags his skis, wanting to go out.

I hold his arm, "I've arranged a coach for you."

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