Chapter Twenty

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Loid was becoming increasingly aggravated.

When he went to the SSS he'd hoped to find at least the smallest smidgeon of evidence towards Kai Forester. About his past. About his family. Who he was. He wasn't even sure that he'd recognize Forester if he saw him.

That night at the lab, he was cast in shadows, the dim lights doing little to chase away the night. His hair had looked dark orange, his stature lean and tall, but that's all he could recall.

He'd hoped the SSS would have had more.

But nothing. He'd left empty-handed and more hopeless than ever.

He'd been working with Yor, who'd been using her questionable tactics to investigate, and it still went nowhere.

She'd asked Yuri what he knew and he was adamant that he had nothing they could use. He was upset that he couldn't help her.

Loid fwapped down the papers he held onto the table, shoving his chair back as he stood with a grunt of frustration. He paced to the front door and back, running his hands over his face.

He couldn't stand the thought that the director was still free. That he was still doing as he liked. That despite everything he tried, everywhere he looked, there was no hint of him.

No one even knew what he looked like to search for him.

Every time he saw Anya, he heard the voice telling him to ask. Ask for everything she knew about him, but he couldn't.

He just couldn't.

Wether she'd been so happy lately or not, he couldn't bring him up to her.

Loid came to sit down again and looked through his notes.

There had to be something here. There had to be something he'd learned to give him some trace, some clue to go off of.

He flipped through his notes he'd taken when he was the SSS and settled on a page. He'd looked at it before, but moved past it, in hopes of finding something better.

He hadn't.

This would have to do for now.



The whistle blew and the relay began.

From the side-lines, Forger watched as the first kid jumped a small hurdle, somersaulted over a mat, jumped between tires, dashed around cones, and army crawled underneath a net set up on one side of the gym.

The obstacle course was run halfway through when the next kid went, and the next, halfway through that.

The students waited in line for their turn as they cycled through, the gym teacher keeping them at a steady pace. The scratching of his pen that logged the kid's times, lost in the sea of squeaking shoes and excited children.

He cued the next kid to start as the last rejoined the line at the back.

Damian waited in the middle somewhere with his friends and they took a couple steps forward. The spot at the front, filled, as he darted a glance in Forger's direction. He'd noticed her sitting out from the very start. It was hard not to when she was the only one not participating.

It prompted a suspected connection to the bandages he'd seen earlier that day, entirely by accident.

He'd been coming from the dorms with his friends when he found Forger and Blackbell in conversation walking to the school. Blackbell saw him first and stuck her tongue out at him, unprovoked, and it startled Forger. She swept her hands behind her reflexively, at their presence.

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