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Author's POV

" Breaking news! The richest self-made billionaire of the country Abhimanyu Yuvraj was seen with an unknown girl in his arms yesterday night."

" What the hell is that?", Prithviraj's voice boomed in the manor, startling everyone present in the hall watching the news.

" The young and dynamic billionaire, Abhimanyu Yuvraj, who is known for his outstanding achievements and sharp business strategies in such a young age, was seen with an unknown girl in his arms yesterday night. The pictures of the most desirable bachelor walking with a little girl in his arms inside his penthouse has gone viral, creating a havoc between his female admirers. Sources reveal that the mystery girl was his illegitimate daughter. Stay tuned for the latest news---"

The screen was immediately turned off by Mihir, causing the curious family members to turn their attention towards Adhiraj, who was staring at the screen blankly.

" Who is that!?", Prithviraj yelled at Adhiraj, causing the latter's expression turn cold.

" How would I know?", he asked coldly.

" Who should know then? You're his father!", Prithviraj bellowed, clearly outraged by Adhiraj's tone.

" Just because he is his father doesn't mean he should know everything concerning his son. Prithviraj! Do you hear yourself?", Radhika said sternly.

" No Radhika! He's clearly making me angry now. He's the one who is supposed to correct his stupid mistakes and bring my eldest grandson back. But instead of that he chose to keep believing that bitch!", everyone gasped as they heard Prithviraj cussing. He never cussed. Never.

" Dad, this is clearly going out of line. We should sit silently and talk like mature people instead of fighting like that.", Shyam, the peacemaker, said calmly, trying to handle the situation.

Prithviraj took deep breaths, calming himself, as he sat down on the massive couch in the living room.

" Call Rowan, he was the one to drive him there, he should certainly know something. ", Mihir ordered Karan, as he nodded and dialled the said person's number.

" Good evening sir!", they heard Rowan say, as the call was connected.

" I want to know something Rowan.", Mihir ordered in a cold voice.

" Yes sir!", Rowan spoke.

" Who was the girl with Abhimanyu yesterday and how old was she. I want to know the complete truth.", Mihir ordered him.

" Umm..."

" I don't know who she was sir, but I picked them up from the Rajput mansion. She was maybe ten years old, I'm not sure. Young master Abhimanyu is very strict about his privacy so...", they heard him say.

" What the hell do you mean by Rajput mansion!?", Dhruv yelled.

It was the time of the evening, after the little encounter he had with Abhimanyu in the morning, he along with Vikram came back to the manor, trying to seek Prithviraj's help, before they caught the sight of the news.

" Y-Yes sir I picked them up from the Rajput mansion.", with a little pause Rowan said hesitantly.

" Young master was... very different with that girl. And I heard him addressing her as Meera.", he finished nervously.

Gasps of shock filled the air causing Adhiraj go pale. Mihir himself was startled and was as white as a ghost.

" O-Okay, thank you Rowan. ", he muttered as he disconnected the call.

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