Fate: part 4- Wednesday Addams

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Word count: 1227

The three of you just stood there, your body still pinned to the wall by Xavier as Wednesday stood a few feet away. You could feel yourself shaking as you looked at her, her eyes locking with yours momentarily before she returned her glare to Xavier.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me the first time. Remove your hands now, or you won't have any." She hissed, her tone harsher this time. It seems this finally convinced him to unhand you. As he took a step back, you finally let yourself breathe, but it came out as more of a sob and the tears began to fall freely.

This kind of thing had happened to you regularly all throughout middle and the beginning of highschool before you had transferred here. You had thought that once you changed scenery that it would stop, but you were wrong.

"We- we were just talking." He began stuttering as he looked between her and you, a guilty look on his face. You slid down the lockers and onto the floor, pulling your knees into your chest and trying to imagine you were anywhere but here. Wednesday just looked at you again before speaking.

"I suggest you leave now," she hissed, looking toward the greasy boy. "Before I decide to kill you right here." Her eyes pierced through him and he took the hint, turning quickly on his heels and rushing down the hallway.

Your breathing quickened as did your tears, your vision going blurry as you tried to calm yourself down. The last thing you wanted to do was to break down in front of her, but you had no option at this point.

"Wednesday did you find her-" Enid asked as she turned the corner, immediately seeing you sobbing on the ground and a hate-filled Wednesday with her fists balled at her sides. "What the hell happened?!"

***time skip***

"I'm going to fucking kill him!" Enid yelled as she paced around her and Wednesday's room, the other girl just standing still and watching. You had curled up on Enid's bed and explained everything to them as soon as your tears had calmed down.

"The feeling is incredibly mutual." Wednesday hissed, the anger in her eyes more apparent than ever. You couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness as you realized you had two people who cared so strongly about you. But those feelings were quickly replaced by disgust as you remembered why they had to protect you in the first place.

"I just- I don't know what to do." You sniffed as you wiped your face on your sleeve, trying to dry your eyes. The two girls both looked at you as you spoke and even though they had very different expressions, you could tell they felt the same thing.

"Oh, hun." Enid frowned as she sat next to you and wrapped you in a tight hug. Her soft presence made you feel a little better as soon as she touched you. You accepted the hug and placed your arms tightly around her back, unsure of if you ever wanted to let go. "I just, ugh I hate him so much!"

Your mind then wandered to what you could have done differently to get yourself out of that situation, but the bottom line was that you did all the things you were supposed to, and you were eternally grateful that Wednesday had shown up.

"Don't get me wrong," you began as you pulled away from Enid, looking between her and the raven-haired girl. "I am so glad you were there, but why were you looking for me?" You asked Wednesday, turning your body to face her.

You saw her shoulders momentarily tense before she returned back to her statuesque state, her face staying blank. But instead of answering your question she just began to walk to the door, not saying anything.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Enid called after her, your heart beating out of your chest. The girl didn't even turn around as she shot back a quick answer.

"I'll be back. Don't wait up."

***time skip***

After trying to get a hold of Wednesday for a few hours the two of you grew very tired and eventually gave up. Enid turned on mean girls, and you snuggled in to try and get some rest after the day you had.

Suddenly the door swung open and the two of you tumbled onto the floor, Enid squeaking as she landed on top of you. As you both scrambled to stand up, you saw Wednesday, wiping her hands on her handkerchief.

"Where have you been?" Enid yelled as she dusted herself off, running to shut the door behind Wednesday. The girl just looked between the two of you before sitting down at her desk and cracking her knuckles.

"The problem is taken care of. Now, will you leave me? I missed my writing time." She began furiously typing on her typewriter, not waiting for either of you to give her an answer. You stared as her shoulders relaxed yet her eyebrows furrowed, words quickly appearing on the page.

"What exactly did you do?" Enid interrupted as she helped you up off the floor, your shirt all crinkled from you having fallen asleep in it. She just sent you both quite the glare and turned back to her desk.

"You'll see in the morning."

***time skip***

You and Enid tried to pester her a bit more but just ended up returning back to your movie and falling asleep once again. You woke up abruptly the next morning to frantic knocking on the door, thankfully it was Saturday so you had no classes. Enid quickly hopped up to answer it and as she did, you saw none other than her gorgon boyfriend Ajax, but he wasn't there for just her.

"Guys, did you hear?" He breathed out, trying to calm himself after clearly sprinting all of the way here. You and Enid shook your heads but Wednesday just stood still and silent. "Xavier is in the infirmary." 

"What happened?" Enid whispered, shooting Wednesday a quick look before acting shocked and turning back to the boy. He attempted to catch his breath so he could answer her, and your heart raced as you waited for him to do so.

"No one knows, he won't tell. But all of his fingers are broken." You saw the raven-haired girl smirk as he spoke these words, a satisfied scoff coming out of her. Enid spent the next few minutes pretending she felt awful about what happened before shutting the door on Ajax and turning to Wednesday.

"What the hell?" She practically shouted, beginning to pace the room. "I mean I know you're mad, but assault? What were you thinking!?" She continued to yell but all you could do was look at your soulmate, a strange feeling stirring within you.

"I was more than mad," Wednesday said quickly, looking toward the floor, seemingly nervous. "I don't think I've ever felt such hatred in my life." You smiled at her and watched as she gave yu a blank stare back, your mind racing.

"So you broke all of his fingers?" Enid asked, calming down slightly but you could tell she was still freaking out.

"Yes." she hissed.

"Why his fingers?"

"So he can never touch her again."

Jenna Ortega imaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt