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the past few days have been amazing just like how they were before riddle came it was grate i could sit and read romance books at the astronomy tower or even in the common room but when ever i did that it was a case of a staring match between me and mattheo as he still couldn't take his eyes of mine i never understand why because he has made it clear that he doesn't like me what so ever.

- y/n pov -

 I was in the common room sitting on the green velvet sofa reading this amazing book i found at the library , i was very surprised when i found it as the books in there as normally 1. boring 2. old and 3. raggedy.

i sat there in pure silence watching the hot fire turn redder and hotter as the minutes went on , until a bunch of the Slytherin boys entered chanting a screaming at the top of there lungs since they had just  won there quidditch match against the Hufflepuff's , i just looked at them so confused and most of all pissed off.

i tried not to get angry so i walked off  heading to the astronomy tower when someone caught my eye.

Mattheo , he wasn't celebrating like the rest of the Slytherin boys he was just sitting alone i honestly felt bad for him and i wanted to ask him if he was alright but we hadn't talked since our little 'confrontation' and i didn't want to start a fight so i just stop stared and then left my eyes still glued  to his sad face and a feeling of almost guilt flew over me even tho i didn't do anything wrong.

i got to the  top of the astronomy tower my mind still on mattheo even tho i was supposed to hate him or not care about him but i did.

i got my book out and sat on the hard cold brick flooring and started to read chapter two that happened to be about apologising as i read down the page and thought about mattheo and how it would be if we didn't hate each other i hoped it would be good but with mattheo you never know.

as i look out  the stars i hear  footsteps creeping up the stairs as the get closer the heavier my breath gets i had no clue who it was as only i knew about this spot and it could be anyone for all i know.

I stand up and step as far away from the stairs as i can until my back hits the edge jolting me forward in fear.

i watch the stairs closely as the tall curly haired boy walks up and onto the tower.

" Mattheo bloody hell i was ready to fight you " i say still in so much fear , " iam not that scary " he says sitting down on the opposite side of the tower and also brining out a book a romance one may i add.

" you like reading " i say pointing to the book " is that a problem " he said bring his eyes to mine giving me major nervousness over my hole body " uh -h no i love reading its the only thing that makes me calm at this point " i said sitting back down and reading my book.

We sat in pure silence for a good wee while until i eventually stuck up the courage to ask him why he was upset earlier.

"  you know earlier when everyone was celebrating your win why weren't you " i said very quickly ready for him to scream at me for asking until he spoke and very sweetly as well " just got a lot on my mind" he said while his eyes went glossy and he looked like he was about to shed a tear or two " oh well i hope everything's is okay if you need to talk i am here " i said in a very reassuring tone but once again silence flew over the tower shutting me down in seconds.

as i was getting cold and the whole atmosphere was just really awkward i decided to leave and as i did mattheo spoke " iam sorry" he said still looking at his book " for what " i asked even tho i knew fine well what he was apologising for " for being a dick to u " " mattheo its fine" i said but i was quickly got off guard as  he interrupted me saying " no its not fine y/n its not fine " he said a little louder than the last.

All i could do was nod and turn around saying "i forgive you" as i take more steps down the curled stairs smiling to myself. this is what its like to not  hate each other i said to myself i smile still plastered onto my face...  

a/n : ok first things first thank u for the votes even tho its not much iam very grateful.

if you had any requests or ideas for upcoming parts i would love to hear them

oh and don't forget { vote, comment, follow } xx

my only love / Mattheo riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now