Chapter 11. The Night before Dhulendi

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Shrishti got out of the car and headed towards her home. As she walked, she kept her down and kept looking into her phone. She was actually accepting friend requests and following the said friends back. Almost all the people who had played with her during the College Holi Party were sending friend requests to her and she was delighted. She had friends in this life! Moreover, Daljeet had become her new friend too. And unlike Divya and Shrishti who had totally forgotten to take pictures and hence, left their mobile in their bags, Daljeet had brought hers in water proof bag and regularly pulled it out to take photos. So Shrishti was delighted to see many photos of her, Divya and Daljeet goofing around or posing casually with their faces fully coloured on Daljeet's page. She was smiling at those photos as she entered her house.

'Arre! Is that our Pari?', came a voice and Shrishti looked up to see her Pappa and Dadi sitting on the sofa in the living room. Both of them looked shocked and it was her Dadi who spoke up. After few seconds of staring both of them burst out laughing.

'You look so funny!', her father blurted out in between his laughter.

Shrishti tried to pout but could not help but smile. She was too happy to be offended.

'I looked funnier earlier. We washed up a little before coming home.', she chirped before coming over and handing her Pappa her phone. Daljeet's page with photos was still open on it and her Pappa took it and sat beside her Dadi who happily leaned over to see.

Shrishti came and stood behind him, taking effort to not let her coloured clothes touch the sofa. She pointed to Divya in the photo, 'That's my best friend, Divya. And the other girl is Daljeet, the one took and posted these photos, she is my new friend. We three bonded pretty well.'

Her Pappa looked pleased at the news that she had friends. He scrolled through the photos slowly and smiled and nodded at each of them. Some of the poses the trio did was a bit crazy and her Pappa and Dadi both cackled at it. Shrishti was having fun watching them laugh.

Then the photos changed to Daljeet playing with other people and then to the ones where Shrishti and her classmates went against their seniors. There were some two to three photos of Shrishti about to throw the balloons too. Shrishti grinned when she saw those photos. Then came photos which made Shrishti widen her eyes. Because it was of Arpit playing with her. Both were in the frame and throwing colours at each other.

'You played with Arpit too?', her Dadi asked. The tone was a bit hostile.

Shrishti shrugged, 'He is my classmate and neighbour!'

Her Dadi gave her a sharp glance but did not say anything. Shrishti shook her head. Her Dadi was too old fashioned!

Then came a photo that made even Pappa raise his brows, 'Is that you and Raghav?'

Shrishti looked at the photo with wide eyes. Both her and Raghav were in the frame and she was grinning as she applied colour to his cheek. The photo was really good as her hand was already pulled back a little so one could see that she was not randomly touching a guy's cheek but there was actually colour on his cheek. Shrishti wondered how Daljeet managed to capture that exact moment!

'What are you doing here?', her Dadi still managed to make it sound like she was doing something wrong.

Shrishti shook her head, 'Dadi! Can't you see? I am applying colour to his face?'

'Why face?', Dadi turned to look at her.

Shrishti was gobsmacked. She could not help but retort, 'If not face then where else? Chest or arm or leg? Who does that?'

'Why even put colour on him!', Dadi looked annoyed.

Shrishti huffed, 'Dadi! He is our neighbour!'

'Neighbour or not, those boys are not that good. That whole family is bad.'

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